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A guide for creating and sending Disbursements.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

******NOTE* Due to changes in labeling, any reference to Businesses in the Video above will now be Accounts in the Guide below.*******

Disbursements in Curo365 are a way to actually send funds using specific software upgrades like Business Central, or to simply internally keep track of Disbursements that have been made to various entities involved in a matter, be they the client or some interested business.

In order to begin, first, go to the Disbursements Entity on the left side of the screen.

Next, click +New

Once a new Disbursement is being created, we’ll need to fill out some information in order to process. First, chose the type of Disbursement? From where is this money coming?

Next, choose the Matter from which we’ll be Disbursing the funds.

The Memo field is for adding any internal information that you’d like tracked.

The Description field is also for tracking info. Use these as your firm sees fit.

On the right side, fill in the Date of Disbursement (which will usually be but doesn’t have to be ‘today’).

Next, select the Disbursement Method,

Then select the Payee, or to whom the money will be going.

Finally, choose an Amount

and click Save or Save & Close.

This Disbursement is now queued to be processed by the financial department. Or else, if your firm uses Business Central or another 3rd party financial outfit, the Disbursement has been sent there for quick processing.

Note on the top right that the Disbursement is marked as Queued. This means that you did everything right!

At some point, whether through your financial department or another group, this Disbursement will have been sent, and once that happens, it’s time to clean up the mess. In this Disbursement, click Mark As Paid at the top,

and then click Deactivate on the following prompt.


One last thing to note is that Refunds are, effectively, Disbursements! The only difference could be in the Credit and Debit Accounts, which we'll show below. But first, create your new Disbursement as we discussed above, but be sure to mark the Type as Refund.

Follow the rest of the creation steps as normal, and then set your Accounts to what we see in the picture below, unless your Accounting Department has told you otherwise.

Otherwise, that's it! Good luck and reach out for any questions or clarifications!

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