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Business Centers Overview
Business Centers Overview

A guide to Business Centers, what they are and how they work.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

This guide will be a brief description of the different aspects of a Business Center. Business Centers could also be thought of as ‘your firm’ or ‘the place of business that uses Curo365’. Your Invoices, Matters, specific Users and a host of other things are all tied to specific Business Centers. Most of the time, you’ll only have one Business Center, but if your practice, for example, was comprised of two or more firms, you might have two or more Business Centers keeping track of Users and Matters across the different firms.

In order to access Business Centers, you first need to be an Admin user for your Curo365 Environment. If you don’t see the Business Center Entity on the left, under the Administration Subheading, see about having that role added to you. Otherwise, to access your Business Centers, click the Entity.

Choose the Business Center in which you’d like to make changes or check information.

Below, we’ll break down several fields and what they do. Note that many of these fields should be left as is, even if they’re black, but some of them can and may even need to be updated throughout the course of your time using Curo365.

Name – This is the Name of the Business Center

Parent Business Center – If this were simply one of multiple firms/Business Centers that you had, the Parent Business Center would be the name of the main, overarching Business Center. For example, Cellino and Barnes have multiple offices across NYC. Cellino and Barnes may have ‘C&B Queens’ as the name of their Business Center and then ‘Cellino and Barnes’ as the name of their Parent Business Center.

Email Queue – This is the address from which your emails will originate if you email from within Curo365.

Exchange Organizer – You’ll leave this field as-is, and anyone needing to change it will know what it needs to be changed to.

Fiscal Period/Billing Time Period – This will usually be the current year, unless your firm breaks down accounting by Year and Fiscal Period. This field is used to track when certain Charges and Invoices were created.

Phone Number – The Contact Phone Number that will show on Invoices.

Time Entry Increment – The minimum amount of time for which work can be Invoiced and the unit by which Invoices will be counted and tabulated.

Invoice Template – You’ll leave this field as-is, and anyone needing to change it will know what it needs to be changed to.

Email Template Name for Invoice, Invoice Template Resource and Invoice Resource Method – Leave all of these alone, as they were set during implementation and will require no changes.

Allow Auto Approve – This field can be set to Yes or No. If Yes, all Invoices will be automatically approved upon entry, and if No, all Invoices will need to be approved individually. This can be up to the individual Firm.

Approval Bypass – Setting to any of these options will set the rule for all Invoices across the entire Firm.

Fees – Setting a Fee here will apply the Fee, globally, across all Invoices that are entered. An example would be a LexusNexus Fee that is automatically tacked on to the backend of every Invoice.

Approvals – Setting Users mean that all Invoices must be approved by all Users in this area, and setting them in a specific order will send the Invoices to the Users in that Order.

Accounts – This area was set up correctly when you Environment was first created and should not be changed or edited.

Users – Here, you can add new Users that will have access to the Business Center. For a guide on adding Users to Business Centers, click here

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