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Creating New or Configuring Existing Financial Accounts
Creating New or Configuring Existing Financial Accounts

A guide to creating Financial Accounts to be used in Business Centers, Business Central and the Finances of Curo365

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over a year ago

New Accounts

On the left side of the screen, look for the Accounting Subheading, and find the GL Accounts Entity. If you don’t see this option, you may not be an Admin, so check with your Firm Administrators for clearance to access this Entity.

There will be a list of pre-created GL/Bank Accounts, so be sure to look and make sure that you’re not recreating something that already exists. If it’s new, then click +New and continue, but if you’re editing an existing GL Account with your own info, look through the pics below and pick up where this Guide says Configure Existing Accounts.

Here, fill in the information that makes sense to you. Everything is self-explanatory aside from the Parent Fund Account, which I’ll explain here.

Often, you’ll have different Accounts that draw from and deposit to the same pool of funds. In this case, the first one you make will be the Parent Account, and all future Accounts will simply call the first as the Parent and be Children of the Parent. These Accounts will have different names, but all be related to the same actual Bank Account. Decide for yourselves if this is a feature that you’d like to utilize.

In the Bank Info Tab, fill out the Account Number. This is simply for tracking purposes in Curo365, unless you’re using Business Central. If you are, this will actually be used for routing Funds!

If you’re utilizing the Parent and Child Account system described above, this Tab will list any Accounts claiming this Account as its Parent.

If you need to create more Accounts, click Save and then +New, but if you’re finished, click Save & Close instead.

Configuring Existing Accounts

As stated above, most Accounts are already setup, so to simply reconfigure an existing Account, begin by clicking the Accounts Entity under the Accounting Subheading in the left sidebar.

Click on the Account you’re like to Reconfigure.

And, following the outline above for creating a new Account, fill in the appropriate information for these already existing Accounts, and when finished, click Save & Close.

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