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Matter Expense Types
Matter Expense Types

A guide to creating Matter Expense Types to be used in charging Matter Expenses

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries, and all references to Costs have been changed to Expenses in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


Matter Expenses, also called Matter Costs in some places in Curo365, are charges incurred during the life of a Matter that comes out of the Firm's pocket. These could be Medical Records requests or extra paper for the copier, but they're expenses for which you're (initially, at least) footing the bill.

The charges can then be set as Recoverable, meaning that your client will then be charged in order to reimburse you, or Non-Recoverable, meaning that you'll take the loss.

Creating Matter Expense Types

On the left side of the screen, look for the Administration Subheading, and find the Matter Expense Types Entity. If you don’t see this option, you may not be an Admin, so check with your Firm Administrators for clearance to access this Entity.

On the top of the screen, click the +New button.

First, the Name Field is for however you’d like to reference this Expense, and this is also what will show on the line item on an Invoice. Next, is the Debit Account from which you’ll be drawing the Funds. The Owner will default to the current User, but can be set to any User on your Environment. The Credit Account is for if you need a little more flexibility in how you're tracking your Expenses, but it isn’t required. And finally, Non-Recoverable is a toggle Yes or No to indicate whether or not this Matter Expense is, Non-Recoverable.

*VERY IMPORTANT NOTE* If these Expenses are set to Non-Recoverable, they WILL NOT be added to Invoices for the Client to pay.

If you need to create more Matter Expense Types, click Save and then +New, but if you’re finished, click Save & Close instead.


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