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Customizing SharePoint Display Settings
Customizing SharePoint Display Settings

A guide to setting the default display options for your SharePoint interface.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

To begin, we need to access your SharePoint Manager Configuration, and to do that, we need to find it, using the Advanced Find tool.

The Advanced Find will open in a separate window, so click the dropdown for Look For, scroll until you find SharePoint Manager Configurations and click Results.

Choose the only one that should be there, curo_matter.

Here, you see the options available to you. You can choose which columns appear in the interface by checking them on and off in the Custom Columns portion.

As for the Custom Filters, you may or may not have any options here, but choosing one or more of these will allow you to use these Filters when accessing your Files via the Documents Tab.

Your Editable Columns will usually be grayed out and unable to manipulate.

The Default Sort, on the other hand is a wonderful way make sure that you see what you want, at the outset. Depending on what you’ve chosen here, when you open the Documents Tab, the Sort will automatically be set to whatever Bullet you’ve chosen below.

Unless you *know* otherwise, leave this final box alone. This box breaks the default link between your Matters and your Client Folders and allows you to put in a manual link. Very dangerous if your Firm isn’t set up that way (and you’d know if it were).

Once complete, click Save & Close at the top of the screen!

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