NOTE - Wealth Counsel should already be installed for your Firm (if you were planning on using this integration), but if you are unable to proceed to the first part of this Guide, get with your Implementation Consultant and make sure that the Solution has been Imported.
ADDITIONAL NOTE - At this time, only the Contact Syncing is functional in the Wealth Counsel configuration. While the Matter Syncing is discussed in this article, how to se it up and its configuration, it has not been finalized and does not operate. In the future, once the Matter Syncing is complete, this Note will be removed from this Guide.
The Wealth Counsel configuration allows you to easily send Contact and Matter information from Curo365 to Wealth Counsel with the push of a button that will, after setup, appear in the top Ribbon of the specific Record (Contact or Matter). Once you create the Record in Curo365 and press the Wealth Counsel button, it will create a duplicate record of the mapped info in Wealth Counsel.
Let's configure this feature now!
Configuring Wealth Counsel
Time to set up our newly-installed Solution and get it everything up and running in Curo365. At the top left, where you would usually choose which App you’re planning to use, you’ll see a new option for Wealth Counsel Admin. Click that and let’s continue!
Once in, click the Configuration option on the left side of the screen and ensure that Settings is selected.
Here, you’ll have a few options, but for now (and probably forever) you’ll want to set yours to look like the image below. Don’t worry about the switch that says Active, as this will still work while that’s unchecked and is unnecessary for this setup.
Once your Settings match mine, click the Login button on the left side, under Settings.
*NOTE* – Each time you finish a portion of this Setup, click the Save button on the bottom right.
For the User Name, Password, Client Secret, and Client ID, you'll need to get them all from the Wealth Counsel site. Leave this here, for now.
Open another tab and browse to Wealth Counsel Site at
and then use your normal Login Info and click Sign In
Now, to get the Secret and the ID, click MY PRACTICE at the top, followed by PRACTICE ADMIN and then INTEGRATIONS.
Here, you’ll want to click the View Details option for the Curo365 Custom Integration.
And finally, you’ll see the information that you need here. Copy out the User Name, Password, Client Id, and Client Secret and Paste it into the other, awaiting tab.
Once everything has been filled in, click Authenticate.
And on a Success, click OK and, finally, Save.
Drawing a Map
Let’s discuss this Mapping Process. On its face, it looks a little complicated, especially if you’ve never Mapped data from one software/format to another before, but Mapping the data isn’t difficult as long as you understand what’s going where. Remember, the purpose of this part is to decide what data goes from Curo365 into Wealth Counsel, and where.
To begin, click the Contact Mapping option on the left side.
Now we have to set our Fields and Dropdowns to match what we have in Curo365 and where we want the data to go in Wealth Counsel. The numbers below correlate with the picture.
1 – This is a simple Checkmark asking if you’re going to use this Field. If you’re going to send this piece of data from Curo365 to Wealth Counsel, check the box.
2 – This Column denotes the name of the Field in Wealth Counsel. You’ll use it in conjunction with #3.
3 – This Column contains Dropdowns that currently exist in Curo365. You’ll use these Dropdowns to choose what data from Curo365 you’ll be passing into Wealth Counsel in the designated field name. Most of the time, these names will be pretty similar, as is the case below.
Example: We decide that we’ll pass the First Name from Curo365 to Wealth Counsel, so first, we Check the box (#1) and then select the appropriate info (#3) from Curo365 that we want to go into the First Name field in Wealth Counsel.
*NOTE* - Most of them won’t be quite as straight-forward as this one, as there’s not a lot of variation in things like First Name and Last Name, but some other fields, named one thing in Wealth Counsel, maybe named something completely different in Curo365, so pay close attention as you choose the Dropdown option, as we’ll see in our second example below.
This second example will show what happens when a certain Field has Multiple Options, like a Dropdown menu or Checkboxes. We did the same thing, checked the box #1, and decided that we wanted to the field Is Client in Wealth Counsel (#2) to receive the information stored in Client Status in Curo365 (#3), but now we see another box has appeared below.
Note that, on the left side, at #4, we have a list of Curo365 options from which you could choose. These are the possible options in a dropdown menu in Curo365 for the Client Status. To the right, at #5 and #6, are the possible options from which you can choose in Wealth Counsel. Your job here is to decide what each option in Curo365 means in Wealth Counsel.
In this instance, Curo365 has four options (None, Prospective, Active and Previous), but Wealth Counsel only has available two options (True or False). You have to decide what Wealth Councel’s data will be based on what is selected in Curo365. In our case, we’ve decided that when the Client Status field in Curo365 is set to either None or Prospective, then the Is Client field in Wealth Counsel will be set to False. If, however, the Client Status field in Curo365 is set to either Active or Previous, then the Is Client field in Wealth Counsel will be set to True.
This will take some practice and maybe even a little trial and error in order to get your head around the mapping, but you’ll pretty quickly see the relationships as you attempt to make this work.
Once finished with Contact Mapping (before testing, outlined below), you’ll want to map your Matter fields as well. In order to Map Matters, in the exact same way that you mapped Contacts, click the Matter Mapping tab on the left side.
This is the exact same interface as we used during the Contact Mapping, albeit with quite a few fewer fields. You can go through this one field by field, or you can follow the example below simply to get it operational.
Test it Out
Time to see if we’re as smart as we think we are. In this last step, we’ll make a dummy Contact and then send it to Wealth Counsel to a) make sure it’s working and b) make sure that all our mapped connections are set properly.
Let’s start by making a Contact. Click the Contacts Entity on the left side of the screen, and once in the interface, click +New
We don’t need much for this example, so simply put in a test name, as shown below, and click Save.
Once the Contact is created/saved, you’ll see new options appear in the top Ribbon, including an Ellipses on the very right side. Clicking the Ellipses will reveal a few further options, and one of which is our Flow for adding the Contact to Wealth Counsel. Click that now!
The system will process for a moment, and then pop up the following box. Click OK.
Alright, moment of truth! Head to Wealth Counsel, hit the My Practice dropdown on the top left and click Contacts.
You SHOULD see your shiny, new, created-in-Curo365-and-sent-Wealth-Counsel-via-our-handy-dandy-button Contact in your list, but in the event that you don’t, a page Refresh (CTRL+F5) should get you what you want to see. If it’s still not working after a Refresh, give it about five minutes and try again, and if it’s STILL not working, there may be a problem with the connector and you’ll want to get with your Implementation Consultant.