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A guide to previewing and generating two types of statements, as well as a short intro on how to edit the statement texts.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


Statements in Curo365 are very similar to Invoices that they reflect and are Generated on the Client/Contact level. There two types of Statements:

AR Statements show all Invoices with currently Outstanding Balances.

Full Statements show all Invoices associated to the Client, whether Paid or Unpaid.

Generating a Statement INCLUDES (and, currently, cannot NOT include) Emailing that Statement to the Client. If there is no Email associated to the Client, or if they’ve chosen to receive Invoices from us via physical Mail, then at present, Statements cannot be sent to these Clients.

*NOTE* - We understand that being able to send Statements to all Clients, regardless of how they choose to receive them, is important, and we’re currently working on an Update to address this. Once that Update is in, this portion of the Guide will be removed, but as long as you’re still able to read these words, then that Update has not yet been completed or pushed into the system.

And that about sums up this introduction, so let’s dive in!

Previewing and Generating Statements

In order to get to the Statement interface, you need to begin from a Client that has had at least 1 Invoice Generated on the Matter to which they’re attached. For our Example, we’ll go to the Contacts Entity on the left side of the screen.

Then choose your Contact.

And look at the top right for these four options.

As discussed above, the Previewing will simply let you see what it would look like if you Generated it now. Lets look at a Preview of an AR Statement.

Also remember that an AR Statement only shows us Current Invoices with Outstanding Balances. Once the system compiles the Statement, you’ll see something like this:

Note the Statement Language at the bottom of this Statement says ‘Temporary’. That is where your custom Statement Language will go, and I’ll show you how to edit that at the end of this Guide.

Now let’s look at a Full Statement.

Here, we see that the Statement includes all Invoices from the past, including the ones that were already paid.

Lastly, let’s see what happens when we go to Generate a Statement.

This language is saying that I’ve recently performed this action, and asking if I still want to do it. It’s also telling us that it will Email the Statement to the Client in this same step.

After clicking Generate and Send Statement, you’ll see this load screen, but it should ONLY last about 5-10 seconds. If yours is lasting longer (a minute or more), your process has likely timed-out and you’ll need to refresh and try again.

If it’s still timing out, you may also want to make sure that you don’t have Invoice Delivery Method set to Mail Only. If the Invoice Delivery Method is set to Mail, these Statements can’t Generate and/or Send.

Finally, if you look on the right side of your Contact, you’ll see that you’ve succeeded in Generating and Sending, because the sent Email will appear in the Timeline section.

Editing you Statement Text

Most often, you’ll already have custom Statement Text set up from when you initially Implemented, but if you don’t, or you want to change it, this portion will show you how to find that editing portal.

*NOTE* - The Text is written in HTML, so I’ll show you how to get there, and you can take it from there. I can’t teach you how to write HTML in a short Curo365 Guide. 😊

Start by clicking the Business Centers Entity on the left side of your screen (usually only visible to Admins).

Then Choose your Business Center. There will usually only be one, but in the event that more than one show, choose the one associated to the Matter on which you’d like to adjust the Statement Text.

Then choose the Advanced Settings Tab at the top.

And look for this area here. Statement Text is written in HTML, so if you want to edit or add new text, you’ll need to have an understanding of HTML for this section.

And that’s it! Statements can be viewed, generated and emailed on, but come to the Support Chat for any further questions!

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