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Creating Notes

A guide to creating Notes in the Activity sections of Records.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


Notes can be created on many of the Record Types with which you’ll be working on a daily basis within Curo365, most notably on Matters and Contacts. In this Guide, we’ll look at how to access the Activities tab and create new Notes.

Use Notes to keep track of everything you do in a Matter that can’t otherwise be quantified (such as time spent with a Billing, sending an Invoice or working on a Task). You’ll never be disappointed that a Matter has too many Notes, so let’s get to it!

Creating a Note

For our example, we’ll create a Note on a Matter, so to begin, let’s access the Matters Entity on the left.

Choose your Matter.

And then click the Activities tab at the top of the Matter.

Here, you can click the + sign in the bar and choose Note.

And finally, you can type your Note here. This is a fully fleshed-out text entry window, completed with Linking options and Rich Text. As you can see, we used the greatest font of all time for our example – Comic Sans! Once finished, click Add Note at the bottom right to save your Note.

Bonus – Sorting by Notes

You may come into your Activities and find that you have far too many items to scroll through. Emails and Tasks and Notes and Appointments can get all jumbled together, but you can actually sort this list to just show Notes (or anything else). Simply click the Filter option on the top right.

And you have all of these great Filtering options at your fingertips.

Only want to see Notes created in the last 30 days? Check it out!

And that’s it! Take Notes early and often, and no one will ever be confused as to the current state of a Matter (or any other Record Type on which Notes can be taken)!

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