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Quick Tip - Advanced Find Searches
Quick Tip - Advanced Find Searches

A short Guide to using the Advanced Find option to search for specified data.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

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Video Transcript

Good morning. This is Matthew with Curo365 here with a video on the left to go with a guide on the right. And today we are going to be making a single field searchable. Now, what do I mean by that? So in the top bar here or over here on the right side, you might have a, uh, uh, uh, magnifying glass, just depending on which version of the search you're using. You have an option to search for either doing a regular search or doing a, doing a global search or doing a relevant search. Um, global search is just that simple. It's going to search everything for a specific piece of data. And it's going to tell you where it's at relevant search is how often does this specific piece of data show up, and then, you know, what might you be searching there? I have a guide on searches and how they work and it breaks all that down. But the search in an attempt to keep you from having to wait an hour for your search results only searches so many fields. So it only goes through and searches, um, a certain collection of records in a certain collection of fields within those records. This is so that doesn't have to search through everything, but what if you want to search something specific, maybe you frequently look up clients by their zip code, which is the example that we're going to give you today. In the example, that's in our guide and it's not already looking at zip codes. Well, what I'm going to do is show you how to set a specific field as searchable within the system here so that you can search through fields that are currently not being looked at. So to get that started, we're going to go ahead and go into the seedy underbelly of dynamics, which is the customization option. So click your cock click advanced settings. That'll open up this window here, and then we're going to hit the dropdown and go to customization, Customize the system. And we're going to expand our entities now for you to do this, you have to know what, um, entity your field currently isn't. So I happen to know that the zip code that we're going to be working on in this guide is in the context entity, but you'll need to know where the field is that you're going to be looking. So since I know it's in context, I'm going to expand entities up here, scroll down, find contact, drop that down. And then we're going to click on views. Then we're going to hit the type here. So it organizes by record type, and I'm going to hit it twice so that we have our quick find view. And this quick find view here is what we, what we want to look at. So if click on this, it's going to open up yet another window and we don't need to add view columns. We only need to add, find columns. So we'll click on add find columns, and then we're going to scroll through and we're going to try to find the field that we would like to add to the search. So in this case, I've already done it, but you would click, you would put a check Mark here next to the zip code code, um, or anything else that you'd want to search specifically, but remember, don't just click this to search, to select all of them, because then it's going to have to look through every single field, just in contacts, whenever you want to do a search and imagine multiplying that by all the entities, it would be a big, big, long search. So you don't want to slow yourself down too much, but you're going to do this to make something convenient for you. So click your, uh, option here, click. Okay. When you're done click save and close here. When you're done, even though we haven't technically done anything. And then, um, we don't necessarily recommend you do this very often, but then you're going to click the button here that says publish all customizations. Um, if someone's in the middle of customizing the system at the same time that you're doing this, you're going to publish their customizations too. So make sure that you've coordinated with anyone else in your office who might be in the, uh, the backside of dynamics at the same time, but otherwise you're going to hit, publish all customizations and it is going to take effect. Um, there is a possibility that this first thing will take a little bit to process, maybe three to five minutes. So if it takes a while, it's okay, we're going to kill this. Now that we have done that we need to rebuild the index. And that means that we need to rebuild all of your search engines with the ability to find this new field, as well as everything else. So we're going to go to system or settings and click administration. And we're going to scroll down to system settings here, Okay. Now this is open. We are going to scroll down to where it says enable relevant search, which has probably already clicked for you. And then we're going to de-select it, which I'm not going to do. We're going to de-select it and click. Okay. And then we're going to really select it and click. And what that's doing is that's causing the system to shut off relevant search, then turn it back on and rebuild on your indexes. And from here, it's going to take a while to rebuild everything internally. Not anything you have to do, except just have some patients. It could take anywhere from a half an hour to even two hours for it to rebuild, just depending on how much data you have in the system. So let it rebuild everything. And then, um, come back and we're going to check it out. We'll hit, cancel here. Now that we're done, we'll come back to our you'll again, you'll either click this magnifying glass or you'll have this option up here. And we'll just type in the zip code, which I've already typed in, which is seven seven, seven, seven, seven. And as we see here, we've now got our, um, it's bringing up a contact that includes that zip code previously. If we had not included that field to search, it would not have been looking for the zip code field. If I had typed in a number and therefore it would not have returned to this. So if you are wanting to add specifically a field that you can search from and a it's currently not available, or it's not coming up, even though you know, that data is there, it's very likely that that field is not searchable in that case. You'll need to come in and use this guide and make that field searchable. So that's it. That's all there is to this. If you have any questions, comments, contributions, or concerns, you can, uh, click the little happy chat box here in the help. Doc carrier three 60 site or, uh, from inside any record in CURO, you'll see the little chat box down here, or you can email me at help Acura three, six, And either way you do it, I will get back to you as soon as I can usually pretty darn quick. And as always, I hope you have an awesome afternoon. Bye-bye.

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