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Business Central Dimensions

A way of telling, within Business Central, from where transactions originated for users with multiple Business Centers.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago


This tool is very straightforward. For Clients that:

a) are using Business Central, and

b) are using multiple Business Centers

you might need to be able to distinguish which transactions come from where. In Business Central, by default, all transactions simply show the Accounts and Funds that were updated, but with Dimensions, you can now tell from which Business Center the transaction originated.

Further, you can now organize transactions in Business Central by Dimension, allowing you to group Transactions by Business Center/Firm/Practice area and get a much better idea of where your money is going and, even better, from where you getting more!

These Dimensions, created on the Curo365 side, will automatically push to Global Dimension 1 in Business Central under whatever heading that you've named it, which you'll see below.

Finally, there won't be a video for this Guide, as this tool is currently evolving. Let's begin!

Linking a Dimension in Curo365

First, head to the Business Center on which you’d like to specify a Dimension by clicking the Business Center Entity on the left side of the screen. Remember, if you’re not an Admin, you may not see this Entity.

Next, choose the Business Center.

And click the Advanced Settings tab.

Now, scroll down until you find this Field for Business Central Dimension Values, and insert the Code that you would like to appear in Business Central. We've used SALES here, but you can use whatever you want, including the location of that Business Center (like Salt Late or Dallas).

Then click Save & Close.

The Business Central Component

As stated above, these Transactions/General Journals will be included under the subheading of Global Dimension 1, which, by default, is set to Department. That means that on your Journals in Business Central, it will say that this transaction originated from Department [Dimension Name].

If you'd rather change the name to Business Center or Firm, however, you can do that in Business Central by first Searching for 'General' and then choosing General Ledger Setup.

Then you can change the name of Global Dimension 1, as shown below, to whatever makes the most sense for your Firm.


From this point on, anytime something is sent/posted to Business Central that originated from this Business Center, it will receive this particular delineation in Business Central. Remember, our example isn’t the best example, as you wouldn’t likely use SALES as your Dimension Code, but you can take this example and create Codes that make sense for you and your practice!

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