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Voiding an Invoice

A guide to Voiding a Invoice that’s already been fully Posted/Completed.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries. *************


Let’s face it, mistakes happen, and for one reason or another, an Invoice that you previously thought was good to go may now need to be removed. Usually, this wouldn’t be an issue. An Invoice, like any other Record in Curo365, can be deleted with impunity, but what if that Invoice and its corresponding information have all been Posted to Business Central or locked after being Completed? Removing the Invoice on the Curo side won’t rebalance your books.

In instances like this, we introduce the Invoice Voiding option! Voiding an Invoice will not only clean up the mess in Curo365, but it will also send a Voided Bill to Business Central to handle matters there. This is pretty easy, so let’s get started!

*NOTE* - The VOID option is ONLY available for Invoices that have been Completed, in the event that you’re NOT using Business Central, or Posted, for those that ARE using Business Central.

Voiding and Duplicating

To begin, let’s find an Invoice that has been paid and is either Completed or Posted.

Now look in the top ribbon and find the Void button.

After you click this, you’ll get a window that MAKES ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you want to Void this Invoice. It can’t be undone, so proceed if you’re ready.

Next, it asks if you’d like to Duplicate your Invoice. For our example, we’ll say Yes so we can see it in action, but Duplicating means that it will recreate the original Invoice with all the original Charges but WITHOUT the Allocations. The Invoice returns to a fully unpaid state.

Next, one last box will ask if you want to Navigate to Duplicated Invoices, but what it’s actually asking is if you want to go a brand-new Invoice just created with all of the original info of the old, Completed Invoice.

And voila! The Duplicate Invoice is ready to continue to be worked, put back in the Draft status, and awaiting Approval, PDF Generation, Sending, Allocations, and Posting/Completing, hopefully with better success than last time.

Note one more thing: we have a new Field on the Invoice Form for Original Invoice. Clicking here will take you back to the old, Voided Invoice. The old Invoice will remain in a locked, non-editable state, but it will be available for reference if needed.

Final Note

Regardless of whether or not you Duplicate, if you ARE using Business Central, all Transactions associated with this Invoice will have been Reversed. But if you're NOT using Business Central, you will need to rebalance your books for the Allocations made to the original Invoice.

This means that you'll need to reverse any Payments that were Completed or simply remove Allocations that were made on not-yet-completed Payments. Be sure to clean up everything after you Void an Invoice!

And that’s it! Easy to execute, easy to understand, and ready to take care of you when mistakes inevitably happen! 😊

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