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Quick Tip - SharePoint Folder Names - Errors and Solutions
Quick Tip - SharePoint Folder Names - Errors and Solutions

What to do when you can't access a specific SharePoint folder from Curo365 due to a naming discrepancy.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

Good morning. This is Matthew with Curo365 here with a quick tip regarding what to do when you want to change the name of a SharePoint folder or a Curo365 matter title. So the instance here is a lot of times I'll get tickets in where someone says, uh, I've gone to my documents folder here. They've got a SharePoint connection. They've gone to their documents folder, and there'll be a red bar up here that says we can't access it. And it's isolated to this specific matter. It's not happening everywhere. So what is actually happened what's causing that to happen is that there is a, there is a discrepancy between, um, what KIRO thinks it's looking for and what SharePoint thinks the name of the folder is. So let's talk about what you can do, and then we'll talk about what you cannot do right now. Um, if we were to change the name on this, and in fact, let me show you where, where this is at in, in, uh, in SharePoint. So when you create a matter, you've got a matter when you click on documents, this is your SharePoint connection to documents, but you've also got, if you click on related click documents, this will bring you up to a different documents interface. And from here, if you hover over open location and click documents from SharePoint, it's actually going to take you to where this lives. So when I created this matter SharePoint folder example, it created this folder in SharePoint, SharePoint folder, example, underscore all of this jazz. Now let's say as, as you know, in, in the normal ebb and flow of things, let's say that I was like, ah, you know what? I didn't like the word example here. I'm going to change this to SharePoint folder test. So we're going to change the name of the matter only, and we've saved. And I'm going to go ahead and do a refresh just to make sure that it's got that. And now that we've saved our new thing, we're going to come over here to the documents folder, and we're going to click it. It's going to look to see if it can find a match and see if it can find our documents and lo it can. And the reason for that is because, um, it SharePoint doesn't care. What the name of this is. As soon as you make a matter, it creates a folder and it connects it. So KIRO a dynamics says, I'm looking for this folder and this folder gets created in SharePoint. And then every time you come to documents, look, it's looking for a specific folder in SharePoint. So you can, in, in the, the, uh, the matter itself, you can change the title of your matter all day long after you've created it. It's no problem. That's what you can do. Now, let's talk about what you cannot do back in the matter side of this. If you were to click on matter and come down to the actual folder that we made, SharePoint folder, example, click these three dots and hit rename you saying, ah, you know what? I don't like all these, all these numbers on the back end of this, that's confusing to me. Maybe you don't realize that, you know, these are here. Maybe you want to change the whole thing to test, to match the one that you made In chiro. Okay? So I'm going to rename this to SharePoint folder test. We click that. We're going to come back here. We're going to refresh the page And then the Natural ebb and flow of you doing stuff. You come back here having totally forgot that you changed the name or just checking to make sure it works and you go to documents. And now, instead of going into that folder, it's going to say, Hey, this is not here. There is no, Like, I, I don't see my connection. And that's because the initial connection that it made, the folder that it's looking for, it cannot find it. Now, obviously you're not going to remember. So, so at this point, you need to go back and you need to change the matter folder, uh, in, in SharePoint back to what it was originally, but you're not going to remember all those numbers. That's ridiculous. How would you, so the way you're going to do that is you're going to go back to related and go back to the other documents interface. And it's going To immediately tell you, there's an error. I'm looking for this long folder name right here, and I can't find it. And so since you can't find it, we need to rename that folder in SharePoint to this. So we'll highlight it. We'll copy it, or we'll right. Click copy. And, uh, We will come back to SharePoint and we will find that folder that we changed. We will rename, and we will paste that in there. Now we've got the whole thing. We've renamed it to what it's looking for. And it's, you know, it's unfortunate that you can't change this matter name here. Um, but you don't want to, you don't want to have to change this matter name here, just leave this alone, change your matter name here, leave the folder of the way that it is. And now that we've changed that matter name back, we're going to hit refresh one more time. UNO Moss, That's French for one. And I don't know what time is in French, but wound something documents. And now it's going to rehab our connection because this matter is looking for a folder in SharePoint with that specific name that we just put in there and everything's back. So, uh, hopefully this will be an easy way for you to resolve this issue as it goes forward. And kind of explain what the problem is. Like I said, I do get this one a lot in, in, uh, in the help support chat. So if you have any questions, comments, contributions, or concerns, you can go to the little happy chat smiley box here and get in here and get in a chat with me. And I will take care of you. You can also go to the help and find you any articles that you need. Or you can email me at help accurate three, six, And I will get back to you as soon as possible as always. I hope you have a fantastic afternoon.

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