*******NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries, and all references to Costs have been changed to Expenses in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************
The Curo365 Configuration is a small set of options that will dictate how certain aspects of Curo365 function. Much of it has to do with how your accounting is managed in the even that you’re using Business Central, but there are some other, more general settings, as well. Each setting and option is outlined below, and this Guide will be continually updated as new features are being added or refined fairly often.
There’s no video for this Guide, as I won’t be re-recording it for every update. So find what you need from the screenshots below, and let’s begin!
Accessing the Curo365 Configuration
Before we can understand or make changes to the Curo365 Configuration, we need to first access it. To access your Curo365 Configuration, first, click the Advanced Find option on the top right of your screen.
Then click the Dropdown, find the Curo365 Configuration, select it, and hit Results.
There should be only One Result, so choose that one now.
Curo365 Configuration Features
Most of these features and options are self-explanatory in their titles, but we’ll still go through them, one by one. As more features are added, their explanations will be included below.
First, we have the Accounting Basis. Does your firm work on a Cash or Accrual Basis? Choose the one that works best for you.
Apply Invoice Discounts is a field that allows you to decide whether any Discounts for a specific Invoice will be applied to the whole Invoice or only Services/Flat Fee Services. For a guide on Discounts and how they work, click here.
Next, Automatically Post Retainer Bank Deposit posts a bank deposit to your outside Financial Site anytime a Matter Retainer receives funds.
Auto Convert Operating Balance to Credits allows the System, when Automatically Allocating Retainers and Credits to Invoices, to also tap into the Matter's Operating Balance to cover remaining Balances. For a full description of this feature, see the Operating Account Guide, here, and for information on Configuring it in your Auto Allocations, see the Auto Allocations Guide here.
The Invoice PDF Timekeeper Summary option decides whether or not the Timekeeper Summary is included on your Invoices. If you’re not sure whether or not you want to include this on your Invoices, simply toggle it on and check it out!
The Invoice PDF Trust & Retainer Balance dictates how your PDF Invoices show Retainer Balances. Simply read the options and choose the one that makes the most sense.
When Matter Name Validation for SharePoint is set to Yes, then a Matter will not allow itself to be created when the Matter Name doesn't conform to SharePoint's folder naming conventions. This will keep you from getting an error on your SharePoint Sync in the event that a valid name wasn't set to accommodate both the Matter Name and the SharePoint Folder Name.
The Financial Integration option is set to Yes if you’re using an outside Financial Site, such as Business Central.
The Financial Synchronization Process also deals with your outside Financial Site and dictates how your Journals Sync in your Transaction Ledgers. Here, you can Sync Journals, Invoices or Both!
Payments and Receivables General Journal Batch Name are the names that will appear in your Journals in Business Central to let you know where the updates came from. You can name them whatever you like, but note that there is a Character Limit of 10 Characters.
The next Field, Invoice Date for General Journals, is asking you what Date you want to show when you Sync these Journal Entries to your Financial Site. Whatever Date you choose, it will process that date as the Sync Date once you've Posted.
The Auto Allocation Strategy works in conjunction with your Auto Allocation Configurations and simply decides what to do when there are conflicts in the Configuration orders. In instances like this, would you like your charges to be paid by Type or Oldest as the priority? You decide!
The Automated Invoicing Process option will allow your Invoices to be Automated along a set path. By clicking Generate Invoice, the system *can* Automatically Approve the Invoice, Apply any Retainers and Credits, and even send it out to the Client. This feature requires a good deal of setup, however, so click here to see the full process.
Finally, we have the option to Allow Matter Expense Taxes. This is used if the Expense that you incur for your Client has an associated Tax that you would also like to pass onto the Client. This feature has a bit more to it than simply turning it off and on, so if you choose Yes below, click here for a full Guide on the Matter Expense Taxes feature.
So far, these are the only options on the Curo365 Configuration, but as we add more, you’ll find them here!