*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************
Throughout the life of a Matter, you may find the need to hold off on Invoicing for a certain amount of time. For whatever reason, you would prefer NOT to include this Matter/Client in your regular cadence of Invoice Generation and Delivery.
For this situation, we now introduce the Hold Until feature. Scroll down and let’s see how it works!
The Hold Until Field
This Field has been added to all normal Matter Forms, so if you don’t see this, your system may have been customized to the point that it doesn’t natively include this Field. If that’s the case, don’t worry! You can add this Field to your Forms. Reach out to one of your Admins to get that process started.
Provided you’re using a normal Mater Form, however, you’ll find the Hold Until Field in the Matter General Tab by scrolling down until you see it, shown below.
Putting a Date here and Saving the Matter will put the Invoice Generation on Hold for this Matter up to a given Date.
The Hold in Action
Now, if you were to click Generate Invoice.
And put in a Date that of Invoicing Entry inclusion that is BEFORE the Hold Date.
Your Matter will Generate no Invoices, because, until that set Date, the Matter Invoicing is On Hold!
And it’s just that easy. If you need to change the Date or remove the Hold, change the Date Value in that Field and Save again.