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Revising an Invoice

A guide on taking an approved, generated Invoice, and making changes to it.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


Just because you’ve Generated or even Sent a Invoice to the Client, it doesn’t mean that you’re stuck with that Invoice in its current iteration. Changes can still be made but in the proper order. Whether you need to add Charges to the Invoice or adjust an existing Charge, follow these simple steps and all of your Invoicing woes will be put to rest!

When Revisions are Necessary

Revising the Invoice is easy. First, however, let’s see how the system tells us that a Revision might be necessary. First, head to an Invoice that is already Approved and ready to be sent out the door. Note where the status says Approved.

If this Field says Approved, then it means that this Invoiceis ready to be sent to a Client, and any changes for any Entry on the Invoice will require Revision to the Invoiceitself. Additionally, a Revision will be needed if you need to Add new Charges, as well.

Now, while the Invoice is in the Approved state, let’s look at the Time Entry Charge that is currently present on this Invoice.

When we open this Time Entry, we immediately see this red line at the top left. This is telling us, effectively, that the Bill to which this Time Entry is associated has already been Approved and is not in a Revision state. You’ll want to set the Invoice back to Revised before coming back to the Time Entry and making your changes.

Additionally, if you needed to Add new charges to this Invoice, you would be able to do that only AFTER setting the Invoice to a Revised state. Let's look ahead and see how we do this!

Revising the Invoice

Thankfully, Revising an Invoice is extremely easy. On the Invoice Record, in the Top Ribbon, find the button that says Revise. Clicking this will cause your Invoice to go back to a Ready for Approval State.

After you click Revise, confirm it by clicking Revise again.

Now we see that our Status Reason has returned to Awaiting Approval. And if we were to go back to the Time Entry from the example above, we would no longer see the Red Warning that the Time Entry shouldn’t be edited.

From here, you can either make changes to existing Charges -OR- you hit Generate Invoice on the Matter and add further/newer/additional Charges to this Invoice.

Once you’ve completed your changes, you can simply click Approve again to put the Invoice back in a state where it’s ready to Generate a PDF and send it to your Client.

And that’s it! Nice and easy, but reach out if you have any questions!

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