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Invoice Formats

A short Guide to setting the Invoice Format on a Matter and what this means for generating Invoices.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


During the life of a Matter, you’ll be creating charges and aggregating them on Invoices to send to Clients, but those Invoices can be sent in a couple of different formats – either PDF or LEDES 98B.

Setting a Matter’s Invoice formant to one or the other (or both) will dictate the buttons that you see on a Invoice after Generation. The good news is that it’s super simple, so let’s jump in!

Setting the Invoice Format

During Matter creation (or even after the fact), you should see an option on your main Matter form, usually in a Tab called General, that says Invoice Format. Let’s jump into a Matter and see this for ourselves. First, head to the Matter’s Entity.

And now choose a Matter.

And find this Field. Note that you may need to scroll down a ways in order to find the Field on your specific Form. Depending on what you choose here, PDF, LEDES 98B or Both, will dictate what you find. For our example, we’ll set ours to Both.

Invoice Generation Buttons

Now let’s find an Invoice and see what this looks like in action. I’ll get to an Invoice by clicking the Invoicing Tab on this same Matter.

And then scroll down and find the Invoices section. Here, I can choose any Invoice associated to this Matter.

Note that here, we have both buttons for Generate PDF and Generate LEDES 98B, but if you had chosen one or the other, you would only have one button for the Format that you chose in the Matter.

Now, I’ll click these both and let you see what the Invoices look like in their specific Formats. First, a PDF Invoice looks like this.

And a LEDES98B Invoice looks like this. Don’t worry, this makes sense to the people who use LEDES 98B Invoices.

One thing to note regarding the LEDES Invoice here is that there are actually two fields that can be overridden with Custom Information if you know where to look. Those two Fields are the CLIENT_ID, shown below in Position 1, and the LAW_FIRM_ID, shown in Position 2. In our example below, you can see that these Fields are empty.

But if you'd like your own Data here, you'll have to first add the Client Number Field to the Client Contact Form, and a Tax ID to your Business Center Law Firm. These are high-level operations, so have an Admin at your Firm make these changes, or reach out to our Help Center for assistance!

Downloading the Invoices

Finally, once your Invoices have been created, you can download them individually, from the Invoices themselves, or select a few and Download them en masse from the main Invoices View. In the pic below, we've selected a few and have the options to Download LEDES or Download PDF's. Regardless of which you choose, the system will create a .zip file in your Downloads with as many as met the criteria of what you chose.

So, for example, if you selected 5 Invoices and 3 were LEDES Invoices and you clicked Download LEDES, it would create a .zip file in your Downloads containing the 3 LEDES Invoices in their .txt format.

And that’s it! Set your Invoice Format to what you want for the Matter and then Generate the Invoice in your chosen format when it’s time to deliver it to the Client!

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