*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************
During the life of a Matter, you may find a need to split the Invoices between Multiple Parties. Perhaps three people will be sharing the burden, perhaps more, but you need to ensure that each Party receives an Invoice and that those Invoices are broken up in a specific way for each Recipient.
Enter Split Invoicing! Using this feature, you can adjust exactly who gets what Invoice and the amount for which each Recipient is responsible. No special permissions are needed for this one, so let’s jump right in!
Split Invoicing on the Matter
First, let's find an existing (or create a new) Matter. Click the Matters Entity on the left side of the screen.
Find a specific Matter.
And look for this Field.
At present, this Field is set to No, meaning that all Invoices will go to the Invoicing Recipient by default. But if we change it to Yes…
And then scroll down, we see this new window called Invoicing Parties, which is a breakdown of all Invoicing Recipients and the % that they are expected to pay.
New Matter Invoicing Parties
To add new Recipients/Invoicing Parties, click the Ellipses here and choose +New Matter Invoicing Party.
This will bring up a new Form asking for some basic information. First, the Client is the person to whom your Firm will be sending a portion of the Invoice. Next, the Responsible Percentage is the % for which the Client will be responsible. And finally, the Invoice Format is the Format in which you’d like the Invoice Generated for your Accounting Department.
Once this information is filled out, click Save & Close.
Finishing the Setup
At this point (or maybe earlier) you might notice a Red Warning Bar across the top of your screen. This warning is telling you that the full 100% of the Invoice hasn’t been assigned to enough Clients.
And if we scroll back down and look at our Invoicing Parties, we see why. Only 25% of the Invoices for this Matter have a designated recipient.
So let’s resolve this. We’ll add more Recipients until our Invoicing Parties percentages EQUAL (but does not exceed and is not less than) 100%. See how it turned out below!
At this point, all of my Invoicing Percentages are accounted for, and when you generate Invoices on this Matter, it will generate one for each Recipient with their specific amount required! Easy and done!