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Timer Window

A Guide to using the Timer Window found in the Matters Entity.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago


The Timer window in Curo365 is a place to keep track of Timers for all of your Tasks and Phone Calls, as well as individual Timers that you can then turn into standalone Time Entries on Matters. In this Guide, we’ll look at how to access the Timers Window, as well as how to create the three Record Types and the Timers for each one.

The Timers Window

To access the Timers Window, you must first begin in the Matters Entity. First, click the Matters Entity on the left side of the screen.

Then click the Timers button in the Top Ribbon.

Welcome to the new Timers window! Here, we see three options, so let’s discuss each one.

Tasks in the Timer Window

First, let’s look at the Task option. You can either click to create a New Task, or hit the Dropdown and immediately start a new Timer that will also create a new Task.

Once you choose, you’ll need to put in some Task information, including a Title/Description, the Matter to which the Task will be associated, and a Due Date. Then click Save.

Once you’ve finished your Task (even if the Task itself is not considered complete), click the Stop button to stop the Timer and then click this Doc-with-a-Clock Icon and Bill the Time to the Matter and against the Task.

Fill in any still-required info and then click Create Time Entry.

*NOTE* - The Rate will Default to the Default rate of the Matter, so if you want a different rate, be sure to change it to one of the Alternate Rates before clicking Create Time Entry.

Now, if the Task is complete, then you’ll have the option to Close the Activity (in this case, Complete the Task). So click Yes if it’s finished, or No if you still need to track more Time to the Task.

Phone Calls in the Timer Window

Similar to the Tasks, you can either click to create a New Phone Call or hit the Dropdown and immediately start a new Phone Call Timer that will also create a new Phone Call.

Once you choose, you’ll need to put in some Matter information in order to associate it to the Matter, then click Save.

Once you’ve finished your Phone Call, you can click Stop and then the Doc-with-a-Clock Icon and Bill the Time to the Matter.

Fill in any still-required info and then click Create Time Entry.

Now, if the Phone Call is complete (and it probably should be), you’ll have the option to Close the Activity (in this case, Complete the Phone Call). So click Yes if it’s finished, or No if you still need to track more Time to the Phone Call.

General Timers

Finally, we have the New Timer option. This button will start a Timer for us to use as a standalone Time Entry in a Matter once completed. Simply click New Timer.

And then add a Description (Title) for the work you’re doing and associate it to a Matter, then click Save.

Once completed, you can stop the Timer and then submit the Time Entry and then click the Clock-on-a-Doc Icon to submit the Timer.

As with the previous two options, it will bring up a window allowing you to make adjustments or add further information to the Time Entry, so fill that in here and click Create Time Entry.

Additionally, any Timer started in a Matter, shown below...

...will also be seen in the Timers window until it is either Deleted or a Time Entry is created from it.

Lastly, if you don’t end up wanting to keep the Timer or submit it, you can manually Delete it by first stopping the Timer, then clicking the X button to clear the Timer.

Once cleared, you’ll have a new Trash Can Icon. Clicking here will remove the Timer, or clicking the Play button again will start the Timer again.

Already-Existing Tasks

And that’s it for making new Timers, but let’s cover one other thing that you’ll see in this list, and that is Timers related to Tasks that were created by other means. These appear in the list to allow you to track time to them without having to recreate them.

But these Timers will only show provided the Task is due within 30 days (past or future) of the current date. So if the Task is due more than 30 Days from now or is more than 30 Days late, it will not show on this list.

And that’s it! A nice, organized and accurate place to track all of your Timers as you work throughout the day and earn that money from your Clients!

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