Time Entry Types are prebuilt Time Entries that let you quickly fill out information for Time Entries that you make frequently. They also allow you specify Total Time and Amount of the charge so that you don’t have to keep track of Timers, Rates and/or Calculations. If you perform the same Tasks over and over that roughly require the same amount of time and will accrue the same charge, then the Time Entry Type will be a great boon to you.
Let’s see how they’re used!
Time Entry Type Creation
First, click the Time Entry Type Entity on the left side of your screen. Note that I’m working in the Curo Admin app, so if you don’t see this option, you may need to switch Apps or have one of your Admins add it to you App.
Next, click +New.
Now let’s put in some data. First the Time Entry Type needs a name that will be referenced when you choose the Type in a Matter. Also, there is a field here for Code but its purpose is for internal tracking. If you want to you use it, then you’ll need to decide what you want your codes to be, as this only a basic text field.
Next, let’s put in the Amount of time for this Time Entry in the Hours Field and the Amount in the Amount Field.
*NOTE* Putting info in either of these fields will disable some of the auto calculation options if you need to edit these Time Entries after you use them in a Matter. The intended use of this feature is to create preset Time Entries, and setting a value in one or both of the Fields Hours and Amounts will keep your values from recalculating and changing when you don’t want them to in the event that you make an edit. This is outlined in the video for more information.
Also, set a description if you would like to be able to easily reference what this Time Entry is for and if you’d like that Description to appear on the line item on the Invoice.
Finally, the last three fields are if you want to set a standard Owner/Biller of this Time Entry in the Assign to the field, followed by fields for automating UTBMS Task and Activity Codes.
Once finished, click Save & Close.
Using our Time Entry Type
Now that we’ve created our new Time Entry Type, let’s use it in an Active Matter. First, find a Matter on which you’d like to charge your new Time Entry Type. Then click +New Time Entry.
On the right side, a menu should pop out asking for your Time Entry info, but before filling anything else in, find the field at the top that says Type. Click it and choose the new Time Entry Type that you created.
Now we can see that any field for which we put data in the Time Entry Type now has data filled here!
Final Note
Remember, if you open any Time Entry created using Time Entry Types and make a change, it will not automatically override information set by the Time Entry Type. For example, if your Total Time and Billable Time were set for 1 hour and the Amount was set for $500, then changing the Billable Time on the Time Entry *will not* trigger a recalculation for the $500.
If you set hard values, the system will not override them. However, you can still manually change them yourself, if necessary. And that’s all there is to this feature! Set up a few, find the best time to use them, and enjoy another time-saver in the Curo365 Product!