The Invoices in Curo365 are generated PDFs consisting of various types of charges, but what the Invoice actually displays to the client is somewhat Customizable. In your Business Center(s), you can make changes to some of the settings that manage how Invoice information is communicated, and even whether or not some info is displayed at all.
There will be no video for this Guide, as new features are being added nearly every update.
Invoice Customizations
First, let’s head to your Business Center. I also recommend opening an Invoice in another tab so that you can refresh and see what the changes look like on an actual Invoice as you make them. On the left side of your screen, find the Business Centers Entity.
Next, choose your Business Center.
And then click the Invoices Tab at the top.
This will bring you to a Form with multiple sets of Options, many of which we’ll go through now. First, find the section that looks like this. These Fields show various options for what will display on your Invoices. For now, only the Fields indicated below have consistent functionality, but let’s look at them now.
Field 1, for Show Additional Fee Breakdown on Invoice, indicates whether or not this section is shown on an Invoice, and marking is as No will Hide it on the in the Invoice.
Field 2 in the image above dictates whether or not you will see the Operating Balance in Accounts Balances Breakdown at the top of your Invoices.
Field 3 in the image will decide whether or not a Grid displaying the Time Entries that have been entered against Flat Fee Services will show. Otherwise, only the Flat Fee Services themselves will show on the Invoice.
Custom Field Labels
The next section dictates what the actual names of some of the Fields are on the Invoice. You can play around with these as you like, but let’s look at our Operating Balance option and compare it to what we showed above. If we put a custom label into the Field indicated below:
We see that it changes the actual Label in the Invoice to the Custom Text. Use these Fields to decide the specific language that you would like to show on your Invoices.
Custom HTML
Finally, let’s look at this Tab in the Business Center.
There are a few options below, but let’s focus specifically on the HTML portion. Here, you can edit the existing text or input Custom HTML in order to affect the language that appears on your Invoices. What you put in the image below -
- is reflected in this portion of your Invoice.
You can use the HTML section above to edit the way that the text appears, or you can write your own HTML from scratch. Either way, use these features to change the language in your PDF Invoices.
One Final Note
Much of the Invoice setup is done during Implementation with the aid of your Implementation Consultant or a Client Services Manager, so if you’d like mass changes done on your Invoice, you may still want to reach out to them for an assist.
Additionally, this Guide will continue to be updated with new information and features, so check back here after updates to see if there’s anything right off the presses for your Invoice Customization!