Consolidated Invoices is a feature in Curo365 that allows you to send a single PDF or LEDEs Invoice that contains information from every previous Invoice from all or selected Matters for a specific Client.
This tool can let your Client see every Invoice for their current Matter.
-or, in the event that the client has multiple Matters with your Firm,-
This tool can let your Client see every Invoice on every Matter.
However, as with most features in Curo365, the Consolidated Invoices take a little setup in order to make them work. In this case, they’ll be set up per Client in a Configuration (discussed below), and you’ll choose settings such as Invoice Format and how many Matters (if not all) to include, there. Let’s get started!
Configuring the Feature
First, we’ll need to get into the Configuration. Find the new option for Consolidated Invoice Configuration on the left side in the Administration section. If you don’t see this option, you may need to switch to the Curo365 Admin app or have one of your Admins add the option into your own App.
Next, we see a list of all previous Configurations, if any. Click +New at the top of the screen to create a new Consolidated Invoice Configuration.
Now we can begin to set the Configuration. The first Field is the Name of your Configuration, but the second Field is where the bulk of our early logic happens. This Consolidated Invoices are created based on the Client and the associated Business Center. You cannot create Consolidated Invoices for Matters where the Client or the Business Center is different. Let’s set these now.
Next, we need to decide the Invoice Format, either PDF, LEDEs or both. Whatever you choose here will dictate what is created when you Generate the Invoice later. And finally, we have to decide if we want to include all the Invoices for all Matters associated to this Client, or only a selection. Once saved, you’ll be able to choose which specific Matters you want to use.
Now that we’ve got our preliminary options set, click Save at the top.
At this point, IF you set Include All Matters to No, meaning that you want to specifically choose which Matters the to include in your Consolidated Invoice, you can now click Add Matters,
And select the Matters that you want to include, either by clicking the Checkboxes or by Searching and Selecting them in the Search Bar. Then click Add on the bottom right.
***IMPORTANT NOTE*** – ANY Matter included on ANY Consolidated Invoice Configuration CANNOT be included on ANY OTHER Consolidated Invoice Configuration.
Let’s say that you have Matters, A, B, C, D, E and F. If you have a Configuration that includes All Matters, you cannot create another Configuration that includes only C and D.
Likewise, if you first create a Configuration that only includes C and D, and then create another Configuration that includes ALL Matters, it will still only create the Configuration for A, B, E and F, because only those are free to be used in a Configuration. It is suggested to only use one Configuration per Client, but you have these options if you’d like to create more.
First Time Setup
The first time you use this feature on each of your Business Centers, you’ll also need to set up the language that will be displayed on the Invoice using HTML. If you’ve already done this in the past, however, you can skip this step. First, head to your Business Center.
Choose the Business Center for your example.
And click the Customizations tab on the top.
Scroll down here and find the area for the Consolidated Invoices. You can ignore the first two fields for this setup, but the main focus should be the large text box that says Custom Consolidated Invoice HTML. Here, you can put in custom HTML that you write yourself or get from an HTML generator, like the one found here, or you can simply copy the existing HTML out of your normal Invoices if you want to use the same language.
Once you have functional HTML in this field, click Save & Close.
Executing Consolidated Invoices
Now that we’ve created our Consolidated Invoice Configuration, we need to execute it. In the Consolidated Invoice Configuration itself (not from the Grid), click +Generate Consolidated Invoice at the top of the screen.
Then click OK.
This will take you into a follow-up window asking if you want to go to the Processing Bulk Process. Basically, it’s asking if you want to watch it while it works. If you decline, you can simply check on the Consolidated Invoices later, but if you say View Progress, you’ll be able to know exactly when the process finishes. Just note that this Invoicing can take a while – sometimes around 5 minutes – to complete.
Either way, let's go look at our Consolidated Invoice now. Find the Consolidated Invoices Entity on the left side of the screen, under the Accounting section.
Here, you can find the Invoice that you just generated, as well as any others. Click yours now.
If you look in the Activity section, below, you can see that the Invoice has been generated. Clicking the PDF (or the LEDEs text file) will download it and let you preview it before you send it. Click here to download the Consolidated Invoice.
Depending on how much info you included in your Invoice, you’ll see something like this, or possibly much, much more. These Invoices can be huge, as they contain all Billing and Invoice information in one document. Below is a small screenshot of some of the info unique to this type of Invoice.
Once satisfied, close the Invoice and let’s send it. Everything is already generated, so you can simply click Email at the top of the screen.
This will change the status from Unsent
to a Sent status, and you’re all done!
Congratulations! You can now send massive Invoices to Clients who are asking for more and more and more info about their accounts. We work for you so you can work for them!