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Matter-Level Discounts

A short Guide showing where to set a discount that applies on all Invoices to this specific Matter.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

Setting up the Discount

In any Matter for which you’d like to apply a Discount to Subsequent Invoices, first, go to the Matter and find this section in the General Tab. If you don’t see this section on your Matter Form, you may be using a different App or version of Curo365, and you should reach out to an Admin in order to gain access to this section.

These Fields are somewhat self-explanatory, but note in the picture above that the bottom three fields are locked while the top field says None. However, once we set the Discount Type to Amount or Percentage

The remaining Fields become available for editing. Here, you can put the Percentage Amount that will be reduced when an Invoice is Generated or a Set Dollar Amount that will be removed from the Invoice, regardless of its Total. And finally, you can put in a Description to understand why the Invoice was reduced on the actual Invoice itself.

And now, when you Generate an Invoice, you’ll see that Discount on the Invoice Data as well! Very short, very easy, and very convenient if you want to reduce your client’s costs by a set amount.

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