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SharePoint Customizations and Version History
SharePoint Customizations and Version History

Creating new columns and hashtags for your SharePoint connector.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

Editing and Adding Columns

You may need to have more information displayed in your SharePoint columns or to add further filtering options, but this can only be done once everything is up and running. To edit the columns or add Tagging to the SharePoint interface, start by heading back to the SharePoint Site that you may have created at the beginning of this Guide. We’ll use the Advanced Find again to find our SharePoint Site.

Choose SharePoint Sites in the Dropdown and then click the Exclamation Mark for the Results.

There should only be one here, so choose the one that pops up. This will take you into the actual Site where your Files are stored.

Once here, you’ll need to go to where the documents are actually stored. *FOR SOME CLIENTS* the Directory/Pathway to get to your files could be very different. In those cases, you’ll need to simply click around until you find what you’re looking for, but in most instances, you can follow the info below.

First, click Site Contents on the left side.

Usually (and recommended/best practice) is for your Documents to be stored on the Matter level, so usually, you can click Matters to move forward, but as a general rule, you can click the File that has the most Items in it, as shown below.

To add a Column, click +Add Column on the line and choose Choice. You’ll have to intuit out what each of these Column Types are and how they can be used for your firm, but for our purposes, we’ll build a Tags Column, as your client should be using Tags to get the most out of the system anyway. For an explanation of Tags and how they can save your Client time, speak with a senior IC.

Next, Name your new Column. For our example, we’ll just say call it Tags. You can leave a description, change the Type if you need to (but you shouldn’t, as it will be set to what you clicked) and put in some initial Tag choices. These are Tags that you can apply to a File, based on the contents of the File. We’ve listed just a few below for reference.

Scroll a little further down and choose the following options for the best Tags Column. Can Add Values Manually means that the User can add new Tag items if they need to. Make the Display Choices option a Drop-Down Menu will reduce clutter on the interface (as opposed to all Tag options visible in Radio Buttons) and Allow Multiple Selections will ensure allow multiple Tags to be added to the same File.

Once finished, Save.

Back in the Client Environment, Hard Refresh the page (Ctrl+Shift+R), re-navigate to the Documents tab and see the new column that we made in the SharePoint Interface!

Version History

Finally, you may need to enable Version Histories, an interface where the system keeps a record of all versions and changes made to a specific document. Thankfully, Microsoft already has a perfectly comprehensive Guide for this, to click the link below and set it up as necessary!

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