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Auto Add Invoice Items

A guide for Auto Adding can be enabled and the criteria by which it will come into play.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago


Auto Adding for Invoices is a new system that allows new charges to be automatically added to already-created Invoice records, provided they meet a certain set of Date and Approval Criteria. In a nutshell, the Criteria is as follows:


Auto Add is turned on in your Curo365 Configuration


An Invoice has been created with a Period End Date of X


That Invoice has not been Approved


A Billing Item is Created and Submitted with a Creation Date that is *before* the Period End Date X on the Invoice.


The new Billing Item (Time Entry, Flat Fee Services, etc) will be automatically added to the unapproved Invoice.

If this is the behavior that you want, then read on and let’s get it configured!

Enabling Auto Add

First, we need to find the option to Enable your Curo365 Configuration. The Curo365 Configuration contains many unique settings that allow you to change how Curo365 handles various features, and you can read more about them here, but for simply accessing the Configuration, start by clicking the filter on the top right.

Choose Curo35 Configuration from the alphabetized Dropdown and then click Results at the top.

This should bring up only one result, so choose that one.

In this Configuration, one of the first option you’ll see says Automatically Add New Invoice Items to Open Pre-Bills, and that box will allow you to choose yes or no. To enable, choose Yes.

And now you can Save & Close.

Executing the Auto Add

There really isn’t much left to do for this feature to work. Once you’ve enabled it, then anytime a Billing Item is created that meets the Criteria described above, then it will automatically be added, no fuss!

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