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Remove From Invoice

A feature that allows you to remove charges from Invoices, as well as move them to other Invoices or other Matters.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago


Throughout the lifecycle of a Matter, there will be times when certain charges need to be removed from Invoices or from the whole Matter altogether. In cases like that, the process used to be quite cumbersome, since there are a lot of moving parts that go into calculating Invoices and Matter Balances. Thankfully, all of those moving parts have been condensed into one easy button called Remove from Invoice!

Read on, and we’ll discuss how to access this button, what it does, and when to use it.

Which Invoices

Before we get to the execution, let’s discuss some Best Practices when it comes to using this button. First, know that it is powerful – it can remove Billing Entries from Invoices, regardless of their status (and that includes even if they’ve been Sent), but this could mean that the Client has an Invoice that is currently out of sync with what the system says that they have.

For this reason, we suggest only doing this for Invoices that are in a Pending Approval State or an Approved but not a Sent state. If you do end up making a change for an Invoice that has already been sent, be sure to resend the Invoice after the fact.

Removing from an Invoice

To execute this function, find any Invoice and select any Billing Entries. For our example, we’ll select a Flat Fee Service on an existing Invoice. This Invoice has been Approved and a PDF has been generated, but it has not yet been Sent. Once selected, click the Ellipses, and choose Remove from Invoice.

Once you click this, you’ll have a few options. They’re all fairly self-explanatory, but we’ll go through the three options now.

If you choose Remove from Invoice Only and click Confirm, then it will show this progress dialogue and you won’t have to do anything else. When finished, it will say Success and then you can click Close.

If, however, you choose Remove and Associated to a new Matter, then you’ll get the option to Search the system for a different Matter, as shown below.

And finally, if you choose Remove and Associate to a new Invoice, you’ll see that you can specify the Matter and then the Invoice.

Regardless of what you choose, a few actions will occur after you finish.

First, the system will move the Charge.

Second, the system will update the Totals on all affected Records.

Third, if there was an Invoice PDF already Generated on any Affected Invoice, the system will Generate new PDF’s to reflect the new Invoice Totals. Note that you may need to email these new PDF’s to the Client/s.

Fourth and finally, the system will keep a Record of all changes made to each invoice, which we can look at and acknowledge (below).

Recently Added/Modified Tab

Now that we’ve made some changes, let’s look at a new Tab on the top of the Matter called Recently Added/Modified (1). Here, we can see a list of all changes recently made to the Invoice. In this case, these Flat Fee Services have been added to the Invoice. You can select them all (2) and then click Accept Changes (3). Clicking this will remove them from the recent list so that, the next time you make changes, you’ll see only the new changes. It’s like an acknowledgment that you saw it.

Use this new feature to quickly make changes to your Invoices, and thank you for using Curo365!

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