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Quick Tip - Recalculate Matter Rate and Amount
Quick Tip - Recalculate Matter Rate and Amount

Quickly update your Time Entries with new Rate data.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago


0:01 Good morning. This is Matthew with Curo365 here with a quick tip video on a new flow that we've added for time entries. 0:08 Now previously when you wanted to update a time entry based on maybe a rate change that happened on the, the global rates or the rate table, or on the matter rate itself, you would've had to access each time entry that you wanted to update to the new rate. 0:23 You would've had to grab a value here and then the, the system would've had to update it based on the calculations after you made a change. 0:33 And sometimes the hourly rate would update and sometimes it wouldn't. But we've got a new flow up here in the flows that says recalculate matter rate and amount. 0:43 So that's in the time entry entity, which we can see that we are here. We're gonna start just by looking at this right now. 0:49 The hourly rate is 300. We worked for a half hour and we have an amount of $150. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a change just to this matter rate. 0:59 I'm gonna jump into the matter here. I'm gonna go to our matter rates. We're gonna find the one for partner, which is right here. 1:08 My resource type is a partner, and right now it's set at 300. The default rate for the standard rate is 500, but for this matter it's set at 300. 1:16 But we're gonna make this we're gonna make this 100. So a half an hour at a hundred dollars an hour should only be $50. 1:24 We're gonna save this and we're going to jump back into the time entry that we're in. So we see right now that this is still set at 300 half hour at $150. 1:42 We want this to update to the matter rate that we just changed to. We want this hourly rate to say 100 and we want this amount to say $50. 1:50 So the way that we're going to do that is by clicking the flow up here, dropping down, finding this. Now you can also do this in mass. 1:58 So if you were in your time entries entity and you had a big view of all the ones you wanted to change, you can select them all or run this flow. 2:04 But we're just gonna run in on this specific one here. Click that it says this workflow will be applied to one time entry. 2:10 This time entry that we're in, we'll click okay and we'll give it just a second to update. That took about three seconds and whenever I hit refresh we see that it's right here. 2:21 So the hourly rate is now a hundred, the total time is still 0.5 and the amount is now $50. And you can do this to make a large change to a lot of time entries if you have to make a large change to your rates or rate table. 2:38 Or you can do it on the specific one on one, one-off instance like we've shown here. But this should make things a lot easier for you when having to make rate adjustments. 2:48 So let me know if you need any assistance with this - questions, common contributions or concerns. You can reach out to me in the chat, send me an email at or check the help site, help 3:05 And as always, I hope you have an awesome afternoon.

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