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Tasks and Task Creation

Building and interacting with tasks in the Daily Work Entity

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

A Task is a way to track things that need to be done with Curo365. Tasks are usually attached to an active Matter but they don’t necessarily have to be. In this guide, we’ll look at the Open Tasks window in the Daily Work Entity. We’ll look at the different parts of a Task and, finally, we’ll see how to make a new Task. Let’s get started!

My Open Tasks Window

When in the Daily Work Entity, shown below:

You’ll see a window in the main Curo365 area called My Open Tasks.

Here, we’ll make our first Task. On the right side of this window, find these four options and see below for what these options mean: 

1Save a Task that you’re making

2 New General Task

3 New Task for a Phone Call that needs to be made. We won’t cover that in this guide, but it’s very nearly the same with the exception of needing info for the phone call (phone number, recipient).

4Refresh your Task List to see any changes made by others in Curo365

Creating a Task

To create a new Task, click the Person Icon with a + sign next to it.

Below is a picture of the first four options that will appear when you make a new Task.

Title – This is the name of the Task -or- the Task that you want to be accomplished. Use this field in the way that makes the most sense to you. In the above example, I’ve used it to give a brief command.

Matter Number – If your Matters are using an Internal Numbering System, you can search for the matter to which you’d like to attach this task using the Matter Number field. Otherwise, you can leave it empty.

Matter – This is the name of the Matter to which we’ll be attaching this Task. In other words, this Task has to do with ‘Example Matter’, specifically. Tasks MUST ALWAYS be assigned to a Matter. If you’d like to have a general Task, like ‘Go to Lunch’ or ‘Fill out Tax info’ that isn’t particular to Matter or that is Client-specific, a good workaround is to always keep open a general Matter for general things. For info on creating a Matter, click here.

Description – This field is for giving detailed information on the Task that you’re creating. It may not always be necessary to fill out this field each time, as a Task titled ‘Call Bob at 4:00’, for example, might not need a lot of extra info.

Next, the following fields:

Assignor – This will default to your name as you’re the one creating/Assigning the Task.

Assignee – Who will be receiving this Task?

Due – When is this Task due (this cannot be specified to a time, only a Date)

Est Hours – How long do you anticipate this Task taking?

Time Spent – After the Task is created, you’ll be able to update this field with how much time you spent on the Task.

Finally, we have these options here on the bottom right of the Task.

1 – This will be lit if one or more of the fields are not filled in correctly -or- if a required field is empty. Clicking it will tell you what you missed and where.

2 – Clicking this X will cancel and delete the Task.

3 – This button, once the Task is created, will create a Popout of the Task in a separate window.

4 – This option will allow you to add time spent to the Task.

5 – Use this Check Mark to close the Task once complete.

And if you’ve done everything right, you’ll see this Save option

replace the Missing Info option

And that’s it! Use these Tasks to keep track of your day to day activity and to ensure that nothing is missed!

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