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The Matters Entity

How to locate and use the Matters Entity for beginning new Matters and tracking existing Matters.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

******NOTE* Due to changes in terminology, any reference to Businesses in the Video above will now be Accounts in the Guide below.*******

The Matters Entity is an Entity that allows you to access all, edit existing and enter new Matters into your Curo365 Environment. For a guide on adding general Contacts, click here, and for a guide for adding Accounts, click here.

Matters in Curo365 are what we call Cases, Projects or Files, depending on how you reference them. From a Matter, you can access all Invoicing info, Client info, Emails, Tasks, and anything else that pertains to the Matter. For a deep dive on an existing Matter, click here. And for information on simply creating a Matter, keep reading!

When first you login to your Curo365 Environment, you’ll be taken by default to the Daily Work Entity. On the left side of the screen, in the Left Navigator, you’ll see many different Entities under a collection of Subheadings. The Matters Entity is under the Matters Subheading. See the picture below. 

Once you click the Matters Entity, it will default to Active Matters, showing you a list of Matters that you have created and that are considered Active in the system. Active, for the purposes of Curo365, means that they have not been set to Inactive or closed. 

Note the dropdown menu to the right of Active Matters. Clicking that carrot gives you the following options for filtering and looking through Matters. See the breakdown below to understand what those options will show.

Active Matters –  Matters that are currently not closed or marked Inactive

Active Matters with Trust Balances

Active Not Pending Matters

Client Form MattersMatters made from specific, custom Client Forms

Firm Matters with AR Balance 

Firm WIP Report – A custom report that will show all WIP (Work in Progress) Matters

Inactive Matters –  Matters that have been finished or closed.

Matters with a Trust Balance

Matters with Un-invoiced Time Entries

My Matters with AR BalancesMatters that you personally created with AR Balances

My WIP Report – A report of Matters that you personally created is considered WIP (Work in Progress).

Pending MattersMatters still in the PNC phase or simply not ready to be Invoiced.

Split Invoicing MattersMatters where Invoicing amounts will be split between multiple parties

Adding a New Matter

*To add a New Account, click the option at the top that says +New.

Clicking +New takes you to a different screen asking you for various bits of information on the new Matter. Note that all fields featuring an asterisk require info in order to save and register the new Matter. Below, we’ve filled in some dummy information in order to see how some of these fields work.

*Note* - The Client field can be used to either put in a Client that already exists in your system or add a new client by clicking the +New Record option at the bottom of the search window, as shown below. For more information on adding new clients in the Contacts Entity, click here.

*Note* The Business Center will usually have only one or two options, and should be tied to the firm that will be representing this Client. For more information on Business Centers, what they are and hot create them, click here.

You can fill out as much or as little information that you need for this Matter, but remember that the fields with an asterisk must be filled out in order to save and register the new Matter. Continuing down the list:

Lastly, we've added a field called Invoice Payment Terms. This field decides when your Invoices will be considered late. Due Upon Receipt assumes that you're sending the Invoice via Email today and that their payment is expected right then. Net 10 says that the Invoice is late 10 Days after it has been created, and so on.

Note that this field is set globally in the Business Center, and you can read more about Business Centers here, but if you want to set the Invoice Payment Terms to be something different than what is already set in the Business Center, then this Field will allow you to change it on the Matter level.

When You’re Done

After setting everything in this Matter the way that you like, click Save & Close at the top of the screen and you’ll exit back to the main Matters Entity.

*Note* – If you ever come back to this Account to edit it again, you’ll have to save by either using the small save option in the bottom right corner of the screen, pictured here,

or you can simply press Ctrl + S, as you can in any other Microsoft program.

Finally, after you've completed any sort of conflict checks and decided that your firm is ready to move on with this client, you can click the Activate Matter button at the top of the screen.

*Note* – At any point before or after Activation, you can still continue to edit and save the Matter.


And there you have it! You can now create new Matters within Curo365!

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