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The Contacts Entity

How to locate and use the Contacts Entity for adding new contacts and tracking existing contacts.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

******NOTE* Due to changes in labeling, any reference to Businesses in the Video above will now be Accounts in the Guide below.*******

The Contacts Entity is an Entity that allows you to access all, edit existing and enter new Contacts into your Curo365 Environment. For a guide on adding Accounts, as opposed to general Contacts, click here:

When first you login to your Curo365 Environment, you’ll be taken by default to the Daily Work Entity. On the left, in the Left Navigator, you’ll see many different Entities under a collection of Subheadings. The Contacts Entity is under the Matters Subheading. See the picture below.

Once you click the Contacts Entity, it will default to My Active Contacts, showing you a list of Contacts that you have created and that are considered Active in the system. Active, for the purposes of Curo365, means that they have not been deactivated. Rarely will you need or want to deactivate a client, but if you do, you can follow this guide here:

Client Status Guide

Note the dropdown menu to the right of My Active Users. Clicking that carrot gives you the following options for filtering and looking through Contacts. See the breakdown below to understand what those options will show.

My Active Contacts – All Contacts that you’ve personally entered that are Active.

Active Contacts – All Contacts in the entire system that are Active.

All Contacts – All Contacts in the entire system that are either Active and Inactive

Attorneys – All Contacts classified as Attorneys

Client Form ContactsContacts made from specific Contact Form Templates. See this guide for Contact Templates.

Inactive Contacts – All Inactive Contacts

Judges – All Contacts classified as Judges


Adding a New Contact

To add a New Contact, click the option at the top that says +New.

Clicking New Contact takes you to a different screen asking you for various bits of information on the new contact. Note that all fields featuring an asterisk require info in order to save the contact. Below, we’ve filled in some dummy information in order to see how some of these fields work.

When filling data into these fields, you’ll occasionally come across fields that reference other Contacts. In the example here, we see that the Company field is blue with the data that I’ve entered. A blue field means that it’s a link to separate Contact.

Anytime you select or type into a field for a Contact, you’ll have the option to select an existing Contact or create a new Contact in a separate window.

Here, you can either choose an existing contact or click +New Record and create a New Contact.

If you click +New Record, it will bring up a new Contact Creation popout on the right side, where you can enter the info for the new Contact that you’re creating.

*NOTE* Anytime you type into a field that takes a Contact, you will have the option to use an existing Contact or add a New Contact. That means that, while adding a New Contact, you might need to add Quick Create another Contact for that Contact, and THEN while putting in the info for the second Contact, you might have to Quick Create a third Contact, etc.


While filling out information for your client, you realize that you need the client’s employer’s contact info. You click the ‘employer’ field, click +New Contact, and begin to fill in the employer’s information. Within the employer’s contact, you might be required to put in who that employer uses for insuring their employees. Again, the system doesn’t have that info, so when you click a theoretical field called ‘Insurance Provider’, it will again allow you to click +New Contact. After you put in the insurer and hit save, you can now use that insurer in the employer, and saving the employer will then let you use that employer in the client.

This all makes better sense if you try it for yourself, so check it out!

Continue filling out the fields with the appropriate information, being sure to prioritize anything with an asterisk, but when you get to Client Status, take a moment to consider the Contact that you’re entering. Prospective, Active and Previous all deal with the status of an actual client, but in the event that you are using this tool to simply enter a Contact that you want in your system for later reference, you can leave this as None.

If, however, you do choose Active as your client’s status, you’ll be presented with a few more options at the top of the Contact Information screen. You can explore Invoicing and Details on your own, but the Client Info portion is featured below. This includes new fields with asterisks that must be filled in.

***IMPORTANT NOTE*** These fields may be in a different place for you, depending on the setup of your Contact Form, but the most important thing is to make sure that any field with a Red Asterisk is filled in (like Default Rate Type or Bill Delivery, below).

In the Default Rate Type, simply choose a rate from a list of your preset rates. For a guide on how to create rates, click here:

Rate Types Guide

The Invoice Delivery will let you choose how the client receives their Invoice.

The Responsible Party section, while not required, will allow you to set who is responsible for the client -or- who will be paying the Invoice for the client.

When You’re Done

Save and Close

After setting everything in this Contact the way that you like, click Save & Close at the top of the screen and you’ll exit back to the main Contacts Entity.

*Note* – If you ever come back to this Contacts to edit it again, you’ll have to save by either using the small save option in the bottom right corner of the screen, pictured here, 

or you can simply press Ctrl + S, as you can in any other Microsoft program.


And there you have it! You can now create new Contacts and Clients within Curo365!

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