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Creating Rates
Creating Rates

A guide to creating Rates that will be used in future Time Entries.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


Rates in Curo365 decide how much a client will be charged when a Time Entry is entered on their Matter based on three factors.

1 - The Resource Type of the User

2 - The Rate Type selected on the Matter

3 - The corresponding Rate.

In this Guide, we'll talk about how to set up those Rates using Resource Types and Rate Types that can be used on future Matters.

Before you can create a Rate, know that it will need to be tied to a Resource Type and a Rate Type. If a new/different Resource Type or Rate Type is required for your Rate, you can follow these Guides for creating a new Resource Type here or a new Rate Type here.

Additionally, if you'd like a Guide on the entirety of the Rates Process, click here for the Rates Workshop, which will take you through Rates from start to finish!

Finally, creating Rates requires Admin permission levels. If you need Admin permission, see your local System Administrator.

Creating Rates

First, click the Rates Entity under the Administration Subheading on the left side of your screen.

Click +New

Fill in Resource Type. The Resource Type will be the Type of User to which you'll apply this Rate. Perhaps your Case Managers or Legal Assistants will use one Rate while one or more of your Attorneys use a different Rate.

The Matter Type will likely not need to be filled, as this Rate will likely be applied to multiple Matter Types.

The Billing Period will likely be your current fiscal year.

Set the Rate Type as you see fit or create a new Rate Type by clicking +New Rate Type

Set the Price to whatever the hourly for the Resource Type/User would be.

Set the Alternate Price to whatever makes sense – many users set this to a discounted rate.

Next, click Save (not Save & Close)

And finally, click Activate Rate. A dialogue box will pop up, but go ahead close it when it does. It will spin forever if you let it.

*NOTE* - Sometimes, even though you Activated a Rate, it will still not be active in the Matter in which you expect it to be active. In these cases, you'll have to force the system to activate the Rate by clicking Flow and choosing Temp – Activate Rate. If you do not have the Flow option at the top, please let us know, as it may need to be enabled for your Firm.

Another box will appear, and you can simply click OK when the window pops up.

Lastly, hit Refresh

And note that the rate now shows as an Activated Rate.

Add Missing Rates to Existing Matters

For all future Matters, these created and activated Rates will be available, but for existing Matters, these new Rates will need to be added, using one of two methods, in order for them to be available to specific Users.

To do this, you'll need to use the Add Missing Rates button on the Matter level. This button will update the Rates on a Matter to the newest version of all Rates - ***BUT BE WARNED*** - this will update to ALL current Rates, meaning that if you only want one specific Rate in a Matter to be updated, this button IS NOT the way to do it. In the event that you want only to update a specific Rate in a specific Matter, follow this Guide for an understanding on Matter Rates and how to change them individually.

Otherwise, access a Matter on which you'd like the New Rates and find the following button in the top ribbon.

Additionally, you can find this same button in the Matter View, allowing you to select multiple Matters and click the button to Add Missing Rates to all selected Matters, simultaneously.


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