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Automatically Add Retainer Replenishment Requests
Automatically Add Retainer Replenishment Requests

A guide to where to find your current Retainer balance and how to include a Retainer Replenishment charge to an Invoice.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

Retainers in Curo365 are required to be paid based on the Minimum Retainer Balance value for a given Matter. To see your current Retainer Balance (if any), access a Matter by clicking the Matter Entity on the left side of the screen under the Matters Subheading.

Then choose the Matter that you want to check.

Scrolling down and looking on the right side of the information, you’ll see a Locked Field (meaning that it cannot be edited here) for Retainer Balance. If that value is $0, we’ll need to get to work!

First, we need to make sure that Minimum (expected) Retainer Balance is even set, so choose the Invoicing tab for this Matter, above the Matter info.

Find the field for Minimum Retainer Balance and input a Value, then Save. Just to be clear, though, if you go back to the previous page, the General tab of the Matter, you’ll still see a current $0.00 balance Retainer Balance.

So how do we get that money from our client? As previously mentioned, Curo365 treats a Minimum Retainer value as required funds and will automatically apply the difference between the current Retainer Balance and the Minimum Retainer Balance to the next Invoice as shown below. For assistance with Generating Invoices, see this Guide here.

The next time that you Generate a Invoice, you’ll see it applied, as shown below!

Finally, to fill that Retainer Balance after a client has paid, you’ll need to Allocate it as part of a Payment just as you would for paying any other Invoice in your system! For a Guide on Payment Allocations, click here!


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