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Posting to an Outside Financial Software

A guide to Posting Payments and Deposits, as well as Paying Expenses and creating Disbursements, in Outside Financial Software.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries, and all references to Costs have been changed to Expenses in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

Getting Started

Curo365 can post Payments and Bank Deposits to your Outside Financial Software, as well as create requests to pay Hard Matter Expenses or Disburse Funds to a Contact, but it can’t do any of this until your Curo365 Configuration has the feature turned on.

The likelihood is that, if you’ve been set up with Business Central or another Outside Financial Site, this is already turned on, but just in case, we’ll cover it at the beginning of this Guide. To turn the Financial Posting Step on, we first need access to your Curo365 Configuration.

To access your Curo365 Configuration, first, click the Advanced Find option on the top right of your screen.

Then click the Dropdown, find the Curo365 Configuration, select it, and hit Results.

There should be only One Result, so choose that one now.

And finally, ensure that Enable Financial Posting Step is set to Yes.

Then click Save & Close at the top.

Posting Payments and Bank Deposits

Posting a Payment or a Bank Deposit will update the Accounts in your Outside Financial Software with a record of the new funds that have been received and processed through Curo365.

For a full Guide on Bank Deposits, Payments and Payment Allocations, click here.

There are two EXTREMELY IMPORTANT things to remember when posting your Payments and Bank Deposits. First, no Payment or Bank Deposit can be Posted unless all Funds from said Payments have been fully Allocated. If any Funds remain Unallocated, the Posting step will not allow you to continue.

Second, Posting is final. Anything Posted to your Outside Financial Site from Curo cannot be edited in any way, nor can the Post be taken back, so be super, duper sure that you’ve done everything right before you Post anything. Once a Payment or Bank Deposit is fully Allocated and you’re ready to Post the new information to your Outside Financial Site, it’s as simple as clicking the Post button at the top of your screen!

Push to Financial Button

There is a NEW OPTION for Posting in Curo365! The Push to Financial button appears in the top Ribbon of any record that can be Posted. Instead of clicking Post and waiting for your next Sync (where Business Central gets your Queued transactions), you can click Push to Financial to have it Post (nearly) immediately! Try it out next time you see the option.

Posting Hard Matter Expenses

Posting a Hard Matter Expense (as opposed to a Soft Expense) will also trigger some actions in your Outside Financial Site. First and most importantly, it will trigger the Site to cut and send a Check to the Payee, thus squaring the charge that you have with them.

But the Payee’s information is taken from the Contact Record that you have in the Payee Field, so be sure that all the Payee’s info is correct before Posting the Hard Matter Expense. And again, just like with Payments and Bank Deposits, these cannot be undone once Posted, so be careful anytime you’re dealing with Posting. I’ll show you an example below of Posting a Hard Matter Expense.

To begin, go to a Hard Matter Expense, either from the Matter Expenses section on a Matter or from the Matter Expenses Entity on the left side of your screen (shown in our example).

Choose your Matter Expense.

And note the Payee here. This is the Contact Record to whom Business Central or another Outside Financial Site will be sending a check for Payment. If the information within this Contact is incorrect, the Check may not go to its intended recipient, so it would behoove you to double-check it before you Post.

One other thing to note is that the Payment Type must be set to Check for this functionality to work. In the future, Credit Cards and Bank Transfers may also be options, but as of the time of this writing, only Checks can be used to pay Hard Matter Expenses from an Outside Financial Site.

Once everything has been checked over, click Post at the top of the page!

Pushing Vendors

Sometimes you need to cut a check to a Vendor that exists as a Contact in Curo, but does not exist as a Vendor in your Financial Processing Site. In those cases, rather than having to go to your site and remake the Contact there, you can use the button located at the top of a Contact or Account record called Push Vendor to Financial.

Clicking this button will create a Vendor Record on your Financial Site from which you can cut checks and pay Costs.

Posting Disbursements

Disbursements are, in practice, exactly the same as Paying a Hard Matter Expense. It must be set as a Check on the Payment Type, the Contact Info on the Payee should be looked over before sending, and once Posted, it cannot be undone. For a Guide on Disbursements in general, click here.

Otherwise, on a created Disbursement, you’ll see the Post option in the top ribbon.

Posting Transfers

Transfers are commands that move funds between Matters or Accounts in Curo365. For a Guide on Transfers in general, click here. Otherwise, it's the same as every other option above. Go to the Transfer Record that you want to access by clicking Transfers on the right side of your screen.

Open the Transfer Record by clicking the Grey Area of the Transfer that you want to Post.

And you’ll see the Post option in the top ribbon.

And that’s it! A single button click can make a lot of things happen, so Post responsibly, and reach out if you have any questions!

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