*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries, and all references to Costs have been changed to Expenses in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************
The Payment Method Sync Configuration dictates Posting and Reporting behaviors for Disbursements and Matter Expenses in the Curo365 platform. It is used to decide whether or not an accounting step is posted to an Outside Financial Site, like Business Central, and how it’s tracked once it gets there.
By default, the system will have a set of Payment Method Sync Configurations (called Syncs from here on in this Guide) from which you can choose – one for each default Payment Method – but if you add more Payment Methods to account for your specific accounting needs, you can use this interface to also create new Syncs to go along with them.
This is a growing configuration, so there won’t be a video for it (for now), but a breakdown of each field, as well as how to access this configuration, is shown below. Let’s get started!
Make Sure Financial Posting is On
Before we can create these Syncs, we need to make sure that our Financial Posting is on in our Main Curo365 Configuration. For a Guide on accessing the Configuration and turning on the Financial Posting, click here.
Accessing your Payment Method Sync Configurations
Ok, now that we’re all set up, let’s find our existing Syncs, as this will also allow us to create more or edit the ones we already have. Click on the Advanced Find funnel at the top right of your screen.
Set the Dropdown to Payment Method Sync Configurations and then click Results.
Here, we can see a list of all of the default Syncs that have been set in your system. Depending on how you want your Financial Posting to work, you can either edit these by Double-Clicking one or hit New Payment Method Sync Configuration at the top left to create a new one. Let’s create a new one right now!
A Breakdown for the Payment Method Sync Configuration
Below, we’ve got all of our Fields and what they do, and we’ll add more to this section as more options become available.
First, the Payment Method tells us which Payment Method the Sync will be referencing. Note that the dropdown will ONLY contain Payment Methods that don’t already have a Sync. In my example below, all of my Payment Methods besides Unknown (Import Only) have Syncs. Choose what you want here.
Next, we have the options for Disbursements and Matter Expenses. When Purchase Invoice is selected for either of these, you’ll have an option to Post to your Outside Financial Site. From there, your Financial Site will handle everything else. But when General Journals is selected, the system will understand that to mean that you only want to keep track of the Disbursement or Matter Expense within the confines of Curo365.
Finally, the Payment Method Code is a Code that will be sent to your Outside Financial Site, usually Business Central, and appear on your ledgers there for a quick reference as to what the transaction was about. Put in whatever Code patches what you have elsewhere (usually a four-character Code). Again, since only Methods with Purchase Invoices will allow you to Post, those will be the only Records receiving these Codes.
Use these fields to better organize your Disbursements and Matter Expenses as you get your money out and where it needs to go!