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LEDEs Invoicing Setup

A guide to setting a User’s information for LEDEs Invoicing, as well fields required for LEDEs Invoices.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago


LEDEs Invoicing is one of the two methods that Curo365 offers for creating Invoices (the other being a PDF Invoice, common in most Bill Delivery Systems). Anyone can submit Time Entries on Matters and even generate LEDEs Invoices, but in order for those Invoices to have all of the data required to make them ‘official’, you’ll need to do some prep work on your Users.

Below, we’ll look at the four steps you need to take in order to ensure that your Users show properly in the Invoice Data, as well as the Fields in Matters and Contacts required to track everything to where it needs to be. Let’s go!

Timekeeper Number

First, each User needs to have a Timekeeper ID set in their User Info. To get there, start by clicking the Cog on the top right of the screen and choosing Advanced Settings.

Then click the Settings dropdown on the top of the screen and choosing Security.

Next, click Users.

And then open the User to whom you’d like to assign a Timekeeper ID.

Here, we see the Field for the Timekeeper ID. You can put in anything that makes sense for your Firm, understanding that whatever you put here will show on the LEDEs Invoices for all entries created by this User.

While you’re in the User Settings, be sure to note the Resource Type associated to the User, as we’ll need to make a change there, as well. This should Auto-Save, but if not, click the small, Save Disk icon on the bottom right.

Timekeeper Classification

Next, we need to set the Timekeeper Classification in the Resource Type. Go back to your Main Curo365 Tab that should still be open and look on the left side of the screen for the Resource Types Entity. If you don’t find it, you may be in the wrong App or you may not be an Admin, so reach out to an Admin if you’re having any difficulty.

Next, find the Resource Type that you noted in the previous step – the one that was assigned to the User for whom you just created a Timekeeper Number.

Here, you need to set the Timekeeper Classification from the available dropdown list.

But note that, on a LEDEs Invoice, only the following Classifications will have a unique Code, and the rest will simply show an OT code, meaning ‘Other’.

AS – Associate
SE - Clerk or Secretary
LA - Legal Assistant
SI - Legal Intern
OC - Of Counsel
PL – Paralegal
PT - Partner

Choose the one that works the best for your User.

And then click Save & Close.


When creating Matter or Contact Records for which you intend to generate LEDEs Invoices, you’ll need to make sure to include two more pieces of information – the Matter Number and the Client Number, respectively.

These numbers need to exist on the individual Records in order for them to be prperly passed to the LEDEs Invoices. First, we’ll look at the Matter Number. The system will automatically generate a Matter Number, but if you want to change it, go to a Matter Record and find that Field here.

Next, we’ll look at the Client Number. This is a Field that exists on all Contact Records, but will not, by default, be filled with anything. Go to a Contact Record and find that Field here.

*NOTE* - If you don’t see this Field on your Contact Form, contact one of your Admins or your Curo365 liaison for assistance in adding it.

And that’s it! Once you’ve filled in this information, Printing a LEDEs Invoice will show you the fruits of your labor here. For more information on LEDEs Invoicing or Invoices in general, click here!

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