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Flat Fee Services

Creating and billing flat fee services on a given matter.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

Throughout the lifecycle of a Matter/Case, you may need to charge for any number of services, but those services could be billed Hourly or as a one-time, Flat Fee service. In this guide, we’ll look at how to create a Flat Fee Service item, Submit it and then Invoice Time to it. For a guide on creating a Timed Entry Service, click here.

Creating a Flat Fee Service Item

In order to create a Flat Fee Invoicing Item, you’ll first need to enter the Matter in which you’d like to create the Item. In the Power Bar on the left side, choose Matters under the Matters subheading.

Next, choose a Matter to which you’d like to apply a Invoicing Item by clicking anywhere in the bar of the Matter.

Once in a Matter, you’ll see the middleboxes are for your Timed Entries, and that the top box is for Flat Fee Service. To create a new Timed Entries, click the Ellipses and choose + New Flat Fee Service.

Here, you’ll see a popout on the right side of the screen allowing you to put in the info for the Flat Fee Service. First, choose the Type of Flat Fee Service. In the dropdown, you can choose premade Services, or click + New Flat Fee Service Type and create a new one.

Once you’ve chosen your Fee Type, the Amount box will populate with a predetermined dollar value for what the Service usually costs, but this value isn’t set in stone - you can adjust it to whatever you like using the Markup/Markdown. Simply enter the positive or negative value for the adjustment and the system will calculate it for you.

Additionally, while the system doesn’t require it in order to save the Flat Fee Entry, best practice is to put something into the Description box toward the bottom. All other fields can be filled out as your Firm sees fit.

Once finished, click Save and Close.

Now you can see your Flat Fee Service Item in the box of Flat Fee Services, but before you create Time Entries to it, it needs to be Submitted. Do this by first selecting the Billing Item by clicking in the Checkmark column to the left of the Type. You won’t see a Checkbox, but clicking in the empty area will cause a Checkmark to appear. Once one or more Items are selected, you’ll see the option to Submit. Click Submit now.

Finally, a Confirmation Box will appear simply double-checking that you meant to submit this Invoice for approval. Go ahead and click Submit at the bottom.

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