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Adding a New User to your Curo365 Environment
Adding a New User to your Curo365 Environment

A guide for adding new Users to Curo365 and giving them access to the correct portions of the Environment.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 2 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

Setting the License

*NOTE* - This first portion IS NOT featured in the video above, but should still be followed.

First, your new User will need to have at least one of two Licenses applied to the User Profile from the Admin Center. To get to the Admin Center, click the Waffle on the top left of your Environment, and choose Admin.

Next, click the dropdown for Users, and choose Active Users.

Next, find your User and click them to bring out a menu on the right side of the screen. Here, click Licenses and apps.

Finally, choose one of these two Licenses shown below. The difference in the Licenses depends on the difference in the User's intended function at your firm. See the breakdown below and choose the Licenses that best apply.

Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition:

  • Anyone Invoicing time to Curo365 (This includes Paralegals and Law Clerks)

  • Accounting Teams

  • System Admin Users

Power App Per User Plan:

  • Non-Invoicing Support Staff (receptionist, non-Invoicing paralegals, etc.)

Once finished, click Save and Close.

*NOTE* - If you don't have any available Licenses, you can either take one from a previous User that no longer needs it, or you can reach out in the Chat and we'll start the process of getting you a new License/s for your new User/s.

Managing Roles

Next, we'll add the specific User Role to the new User, but previous to this, one of your admins will have needed to add licenses to the new User (shown above) and set up their email address. If you don't find the user that you're looking for during this process, see your admin about first adding them to the General Platform.

Once added, however, the user will need to be added to the correct Environment and given access to the various Curo365 Solutions. This is accomplished through Roles. First, click the Cog on the top right and choose Advanced.

Next, click the Settings dropdown and choose Security

Finally, click Users.

Here, you may see an alert at the top of the screen that says that some users lack specific roles. That’s fine, as that’s what we’ve come here for! Choose the New User

***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If you don't see your new User on this list, they may be awaiting a Resource Type before they'll show. In those rare cases, follow this Guide for an alternate method of adding a Resource Type. Once you've done this, refresh the list above, and your new User should show.

And click Manage Roles at the top of the screen.

On this screen, you’ll need to choose the Roles that apply to the new User. All users will have the Curo Legal User Role, but some will need the Matter Admin Role or other Roles, as well. For questions regarding who should have access to what, see your System Administrator.

Additionally, a new Role has been added dictating who can approve Invoices and mark them as Sent or Emailed, thereby triggering other logic in the system. Regardless of what you choose, click OK once finished.

After adding their Roles, you'll also need to add a Resource Type to their User Profile. The Resource Type tells the system what Rates and Invoicing options to access when the User goes to Invoice their time on a Matter on which they're working. For a Guide on Resource Types, how they work, what they do, and how to create them, click here.

Find the Resource Type field and enter what you need.

Finally, click the small Save option on the bottom right to finish this portion of the Configuration.

Adding the New User to the Business Center

For this last portion, we’ll need to add the new User to the Business Center so that they have access to the Matters and other items created within that Business Center. Back in your Curo365 Environment, choose the Business Center Entity on the left side of the screen, under the Administration subheading.

Select the Business Center to which you’d like to add the New User (usually, there will only be one from which to choose)

In the Users section on the right side, click the Ellipses and choose Add New User.

Here, you can type in the name of the New User, click them

and then click Save & Close.

Now this User is added to Curo365 and the Business Center and can start contributing to the team!

SharePoint Users

In the event that your Firm is using a SharePoint connection to access your files, you will also need to add them to the SharePoint Site as a User if they are going to be able to access your SharePoint folders within Curo365.

In order to do this, you'll need to go to your actual SharePoint Site and add them as a User there. To find your SharePoint Site, begin by clicking the Advanced Find icon in the top right of your screen, however, if you already know the URL for your SharePoint Site, simply navigate there, now.

If finding the Site within Curo365, however, click the Dropdown and set it to SharePoint Sites, and then click the red exclamation mark that says Results.

This should only return one result, so click the URL to navigate to the SharePoint Site. As with most aspects of this Guide, this can only be done by an Admin, so if you're taken to where you expect to go, check with an Admin and have them do it for you.

At the top right of the screen, click the option that says Share.

And finally, type the User's name and let the system look for the correct User.

Once you have the right User, click Share and you're all done!


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