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How to create a Write-Off for an existing Invoices

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

A Write-Off allows you to forgive some or all of an existing Invoice.

To get started with a Write-Off, find the Write-Offs Entity on the left side of the screen.

Once there, click +New on the top

Once the following screen appears, either type in the Invoice number or other identifying info, or simply click the Magnifying Glass to select from a list. This will bring up the Invoice to which we would like to apply the Write Off.

The Amount field will default to the Invoice’s Amount, but you can adjust the Amount down if you don’t want to Write Off the total Invoice.

Even though the Invoice is associated with a Matter, you still need to choose the Matter in case the Invoice is associated with more than one, so select the Matter now.

And finally, write something into the Description field for a Description of the Write Off.

Once all the necessary fields are filled in, click Save and Close at the top.

In the Invoice’s general screen, you’ll be able to see the total of Write-Offs in the Write-Offs section, as well as the most recent date of a Write Off either being added or an existing Write Off be changed.

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