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A guide to adding a Credit to an existing Matter

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

Credits in Curo365 can be added to any exiting Matter. For a guide on creating and accessing Matters, click here.

In order to add a Credit, first click on the Credits Entity on the left side of the screen.

Once in the Credits Entity, click +New at the top.

First, you’ll need to pick the Matter to which you’d like to apply the Credit. Pick a Matter to apply, describe the Credit, and finally, fill in an Amount for the Credit.

Once finished, click Save at the top of the screen.

Now that we’ve entered a Credit, we’ll need to apply it to a specific Invoice, so click the Application to Invoices tab on this same screen.

Next, choose New Credit Allocation.

First, choose the Invoice to which you would like to apply some or all of the Credit by typing in the identifying Invoice number or looking the Invoice up with the Magnifying Glass.

Next, choose the Amount of the Credit that you would like to allocate to this specific Invoice.

Finally, click Save and Close at the bottom.

You can repeat this process while money still persists in the Credit for other Invoices. In order to see how many Credits have been applied to a specific Invoice, go to that Invoice in the Invoices Entity and look on the right side for a section called Credits, shown below.

In this section, you can see the total dollar value of applied Credits, as well as the date of the most recently applied Credit.

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