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New User Workshop

A full, comprehensive Guide to adding a New User to your Organization.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over a week ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************


Congratulations, your family has grown! You’ve brought someone new into your Firm and it’s time to get them all set up and ready to use Curo365. There are few steps that we’ll need to take, most of which already have their own Guides, so we’ll mention them here but and link the full Guide in the description to each section.

Let’s begin!

Creating a New User

To begin, we need to actually create the New User in your Admin Center. This means adding the User, creating their Email Address on your Exchange (usually something like ‘’) and adding the Licenses that they’ll need in order to access Curo365.

First, let’s add the User in the Admin Center. In order to access the Admin Center, first click the Waffle icon in the top left corner and choose Admin.

Then click the Dropdown for Users and choose Active Users.

Now, for adding a New User, click Add a user here. If they already exist in the system, you may want to skip ahead or simply consult this Guide here for the next few steps.

Put in the info that you want for the New User, and when it asks you for your License selection, shown below, use this chart to decide which License to add.

Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition:

· Anyone Invoicing time to Curo365 (This includes Paralegals and Law Clerks)

· Accounting Teams

· System Admin Users

Power App Per User Plan:

· Non-Invoicing Support Staff (receptionist, non-invoicing paralegals, etc.)

*NOTE* - If you don't have any available Licenses, you can either take one from a previous User that no longer needs it, or you can reach out to me in the Chat and we'll start the process of getting you a new License for your new User.

User Roles

Next, we need to set up the User’s Roles and Resource Type. This is a collection of permissions that say what the User can and cannot see/create/delete on the Curo365 platform. For an in-depth explanation on adding Roles, use the second portion of this Guide to add Roles to your new User. In the video, we’ll also (briefly) discuss what each of the Roles govern.

***IMPORTANT NOTE*** You may not see your new User available to select when you first get to the place where you set these Roles (shown in the Video above). This is likely due to some lag between when you Create the New User in the previous step and when the New User becomes Available in this step. This is a Microsoft lag issue and can last anywhere from 1 Hour to up to 24 Hours.


***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If you don't see your new User on this list, even after waiting a few hours, the system may be awaiting a Resource Type for the new User before they'll show. In those rare cases, follow this Guide for an alternate method of adding a Resource Type. Once you've done this, refresh the list above, and your new User should show.

Adding the User to the Business Center

Next, we want to add our New User to the Business Center/Centers on which they’ll be working. If you’re not sure as to which Business Center to add them, the best rule of thumb is to ask yourself which Matters they’ll be working on. From there, add them to the Business Centers associated with those Matters. For a Guide for adding people to Business Centers, click here!

Setting up the Dynamics365 Email App

If your firm uses the Dynamics365 Email App, the new User’s Email Address will need to be enabled to receive the same App and be able to track the same Emails. Use this Guide to enable the New User’s Email Address and setup the Outlook App, but remember that you have to be a System or Global Admin in order to do so.

Resource Types and Rates

If your new User is going to be Invoicing, then they’ll need a couple more elements added to their profile. First, we need to add a Resource Type so that the system can know which Rates to apply to the User. You can follow this Guide for information on adding Resource Types.

After the Resource Type is added, you’ll need to ensure that Rates exist for the applied Resource Type on your current Financial Period. For a Guide on Creating Rates, click here.

And that’s it! You’re new User should now be ready to do whatever it is they were hired to do, and if you or they have any issues, reach out to me and we’ll get it worked out!

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