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Invoice Fees

A guide to creating Fees on an existing Invoice

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in terminology, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

An Invoice Fee is a way of keeping track of any increases to an existing Invoice. Invoice Fees can also be set en masse from a Business Center to be automatically applied when an Invoice is created. For a guide to the Business Center, click here, and for adding a single Fee to a single Invoice, read on!

In order to add a Fee, first head to the Invoices Entity on the left

and choose an existing Invoice.

*NOTE* - Only Invoices that have *not* already been Approved can have Fees or Discounts added. For this reason, it is suggested that you filter your Dropdown to Pre Invoices before selecting an Invoice.

Once in the selected Invoice, choose New Fee at the top.

Then enter some Text to explain the purpose of the Fee

Select the type of Fee

And put in an Amount for the Fee

Finally, choose Save and Close at the bottom of the Fee section and the new Fee will be applied to the Invoice.

Scrolling down the right side of the Invoice Entry, you can see a section for Fees that shows not only the total amount of Fees added, but also the date of the most recent update to any Fees.

Fees in the Business Center

Note that, by default, these Fees WILL NOT show as itemized entries on the Invoice unless you set up that feature in the Business Center. Instead, they will simply show a Fee Summary in the Invoicing Summary.

To enable Fee Itemization, let's head to your Business Center by clicking the Entity on the left side of the screen.

Then choose your Business Center.

Find the Field that says Show Fee Breakdown on Invoice. This is for all Fees on a Matter (including Interest Fees, for example). When this is set to Yes, then a new, itemized section will appear at the bottom of Invoice PDF's showing each Fee listed out, including a Date and Description of the type of Fee.

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