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Basic Curo365 Overview
Basic Curo365 Overview

A guide to your landing page and a general introduction to Curo365.

Vaughn avatar
Written by Vaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

*********NOTE* - Due to changes in labeling, all references to Bills have been changed to Invoices, and all references to Billings have been changed to Time Entries in the Guide below. At some point, the Video above may also be updated. *************

******NOTE* Due to changes in labeling, any reference to Businesses in the Video above will now be Accounts in the Guide below.*******

Welcome to Curo365! Below is a breakdown of various areas and features in your main Curo365 interface. Most of these also have a corresponding, separate Guide to explain purpose and functionality, so read on!

The Top Ribbon

At the top of the screen, you’ll find a black bar known as the Top Ribbon, and we’ve broken that down into two sections below. First, on the top left, you’ll find the 9 Eyes, and option to switch your Environment View. See below the pic for a breakdown as to how these work.

1 – The 9 Eyes option will be referenced in any guide that requires you to get into Admin preferences, such as the guide for Adding a User, found here, or the guide for setting up your Curo365/Dynamics365 Outlook Plugin, found here.

2 – This Dropdown allows you to change your App view based on your clearances. A Law Only user won’t find other views here, but an Admin will be able to swap between Basic and Admin views here. An Admin App view shows many options that a Basic/Law Only user won’t see.

At the top right of the Top Ribbon, you’ll see a collection of Icons that each do something specific. Many of these have Guides as well, and we’ll link to any, as well as give a description for each Icon, below the picture.

1 – The Search option can be used to find any Record in Curo365, as well as let you see the frequency of use and any related Record Types. For a Guide on the Search Tool, click here.

*NOTE* - The second option will, at some point, be for automated Taskflows – processes telling you what to do from start to finish on a given issue. For now, however, it’s still under construction.

2 – The Assistant is an option that tells you any Tasks or Appointments that you have coming and is a great way to assist in organizing your day.

3 – The Quick Create option allows you to create any Record Type without having to be in a Matter or any other Entity. For a quick Guide on the Quick Create button, click here.

4 – The Advanced Search option not allows you to create detailed, down-to-the-data-point Searches and Reports through all record types in your system, but also allows you to print spreadsheets and create Custom Views to revisit later. For Guide on the Advanced Find, click here.

5 – This is a Settings Cog that has a few options in it that are occasionally referenced in other Guides. By and large, you won’t be messing with this option very often (unless instructed).

6 – The Help and Training option will take you to a Microsoft site where you can get general Guides on Dynamics365 functionality, but it will not be specific to Curo365.

7 – The User Information button lets you check the User Info of the current User.


On the left side of your screen, in Action Bar, you’ll see a set of three options at the top known as Views Collections. These View Collections, when the Dropdowns are clicked, will show you various Views. A View is a specific, curated list. You can create your own Views following the Advanced Find guide, here, or you can select from Views already in place. A breakdown of the three options appears below the pic.

Home – This option will take you back to whatever your default Entity is when logging into your Curo365 Environment. By default, this Entity is the Daily Work Entity.

Recent – A list of the most recent Views that you have been in. Use this to keep from having to go back through a chain of clicks to return to a previous View.

Pinned – A list of Views that you Pinned for quick access. For an explanation and guide on Pinning Views, click here.


Next on the list, we have the Matters Subheading, followed by a list of Entities. Subheadings are bold words that organize the Entities below it, and Entities will take you to different pages with different functions. We have many Guides on various Entities, and you’re encouraged to search the Support site at for any questions on and Entity that you see on the left side, but for our purposes, we’re going to focus on just the main Entities under the Matters Subheading. These are outlined below the pic.

Daily Work – This is the Entity to which your Curo365 login will take you initially and will show you a list of Quick Access sections. For more information on those sections, see the next portion of this Guide labeled The Daily Work Entity.

Approvals – This Entity allows certain users the ability to Approve Invoices. For more Billing information, click here.

Accounting – This Entity allows certain users the ability to handle all aspects of Accounting for a specific Matter.

Matters – This Entity allows any individual to start a new Matter. For more information on the Matters Entity and creating Matters, click here.

Accounts – This Entity allows users to see any entered Accounts in the system and create new Accounts. For a guide on this Entity and creating new Accounts, click here.

Contacts – This Entity allows users to see any entered Non-Accounts in the system and create new, Non-Accounts. For a guide on this Entity and creating new, Non-Accounts, click here.

The Daily Work Entity

By default, your Curo365 Environment will open to the Daily Work Entity, and you’ll see a collection of Quick Access sections when you scroll down the page. These Quick Access sections are explained below.

The Notifications section shows you anything outstanding/pressing, like Invoices that await your Approval or Tasks that are due and overdue. Click Click here to review to see a list of what the system has deemed Important.

My Open Tasks will show you a list of any Tasks assigned to you that have so far not been completed. For an explanation and Guide on Tasks, click here.

Tasks I’m Following will give you a list of Tasks that are not assigned to you, but in which you, for some reason, have a vested interest. You could be a Follower on the Task or have made a comment on it. You could have Invoiced Time to it or simply have been the person who created and assigned the Task.

Next, we have two types of Time Entries, Unsubmitted and Submitted, and you’ll be able to quickly see information for both of these. From this section as well, you’ll be able to Submit the Time Entries for processing by your accounting team. For a better understanding of this section, click the Invoicing guide here and here.

The Matters section will show you a list of your current, Active Matters from which you can quickly access a Matter and begin work on it, as well as Invoice directly to it.

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